
Centre Party Says Undeclared Lockdown in Force in Croatia

By 21 November 2020
Centre Party Says Undeclared Lockdown in Force in Croatia
Source: Pixabay

ZAGREB, November 21, 2020 - One of the Centre party leaders, Dalija Oreskovic, said on Saturday that there was a state of undeclared lockdown in Croatia.

That way, she said, the government is avoiding its responsibility to give financial support to businesses that cannot operate due to the coronavirus crisis.

"Examples of arrogance, which show that there are double standards for epidemiological measures, just as for anything else in Croatia, started already during the summer. There is one set of rules for the HDZ and their privileged categories of people and events, and another one for us, less important mortals," Oreskovic told a news conference.

Coronavirus under control yesterday, today it's a plague we are to blame for

"Coronavirus was under control by the national COVID-19 response team yesterday, while today it is a plague we ourselves are to blame for. Tomorrow, when the HDZ holds intraparty elections, the virus will be laughed at, but the day after we will be admonished for being responsible for its explosion," said Oreskovic.

She noted that her party was not a proponent of conspiracy theories or disregard for science, calling on citizens to be twice as responsible as asked of them by the national COVID-19 response team, which she described as politicised.

"One should remember, when any next election is held, who are those who treat citizens as fools with whose lives they dare play on the verge of an undeclared lockdown in which all rights and credit will be theirs and all responsibility and damage ours," said Oreskovic.
