
MP Grmoja Stripped of Immunity

By 18 December 2020
MP Grmoja Stripped of Immunity
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ZAGREB, Dec 18, 2020 - MP Nikola Grmoja of the opposition Bridge party on Friday lost immunity at his own insistence, an almost unique case in the Croatian parliament.

"I ask all my colleagues to strip me of immunity, after which I will ask the Credentials and Privileges Commission (MIP) to strip me of it completely," Grmoja said, to which Speaker Gordan Jandrokovic replied that there was no "general" stripping of immunity, rather it was done case by case.

The case in question is a private defamation suit filed against Grmoja by former interior minister Ranko Ostojic after Grmoja claimed that he had evidence that Bridge leader Bozo Petrov was processed by the police anti-corruption office (PNUSKOK) in 2016.

MIP took the usual position, denying the approval for continuing the criminal prosecution of an MP, in this case Grmoja, while he was in office.

However, Grmoja called on MPs to strip him of immunity, contrary to MIP's recommendation, which they did.

Jandrokovic concluded that 23 MPs voted for MIP's decision, two abstained and 89 were against, and that Grmoja was stripped of immunity based on that.

Pedja Grbin of the Social Democratic Party said parliament had now rejected MIP's motion but that in order for Grmoja to be stripped of immunity, MIP must submit a motion to that effect and parliament approve it.

Jandrokovic agreed, saying "this is a unique case" and that consultations would be held.

I think MIP must submit a motion, so we will do this next time, Jandrokovic said, telling Grmoja that he still had immunity.

"So, we have rejected MIP's decision that he has immunity. However, you have immunity until MIP's decision (to the contrary) and its confirmation at a plenary," Jandrokovic told him.
