
Plenković: Adriatic Business Centre in Šibenik an Incubator of Innovative Ideas

By 23 February 2021

ZAGREB, 23 February 2021 - The HRK 20 million Adriatic Business Centre, fully financed with EU funds, was opened in Šibenik on Tuesday in the presence of Prime Minister Andrej Plenković who said that Šibenik-Knin County has obtained a modern office building that will be an incubator of innovative ideas.

Plenković was accompanied by Economy Minister Tomislav Ćorić, Justice and Administration Minister Ivan Malenica and Regional Development and EU Funds Minister Nataša Tramišak.

"Šibenik-Knin County has obtained a contemporary office building for about 50 entrepreneurs and it will become an incubator of innovative ideas," Plenković told the opening ceremony.

The business centre is intended for small and medium-sized enterprises and public administration in all business processes and phases: including starting a company, applying for tenders, preparing projects, marketing and branding.

The centre will be managed by the Šibenik-Knin County Development Agency that will organise services for all interested stakeholders.

"This is an example of successful revitalisation of dormant infrastructure," Plenković said, pointing out that the county had bought an abandoned building that was once a light metal factory.

"The ABC Centre will generate new values for this county. It will create vital preconditions for entrepreneurs to come out onto the market. It will encourage progress in SMEs and improve the investment and business climate," he added.

To date, Šibenik-Knin County has been allocated HRK 120 million in grants.

ABC Centre fits into digital and green transformation

Plenković further underlined that the ABC Centre fits into both the digital and green transformation. The centre is on that track and can be a driver of entrepreneurship in the county, in Dalmatia and along the entire coast, said Plenković.

The centre consists of office space and a large conference hall, two smaller halls, common working areas and a large parking lot among other things.

Business-marketing platform for better positioning on the global market

Director of the County Development Agency, Mira Lepur, said that the centre resulted from observing global trends in marketing, design and business.

 "ABC has been conceived as a business-marketing platform which provides users with services in communication, branding and better positioning on the global market," said Lepur.

Šibenik-Knin County Prefect Goran Pauk said that the centre will become a reference point of support, particularly for companies dealing with audio and video activities.
