
Plenković Talks Selection of Supreme Court President

By 2 March 2021

ZAGREB, 2 March 2021 - Prime Minister Andrej Plenković said on Tuesday that he had not yet spoken with the President of the Republic about the selection of the Supreme Court President, underscoring that his solution was based on respecting the Constitution, law and the institute of a public selection procedure.

Responding to questions from the press, Plenković said that he had not yet spoken  with President Zoran Milanović after Milanović said that he would not support any of the three candidates that applied for the position of Supreme Court President but that he would nominate his candidate and let parliament decide.

Plenković said on Monday that he had a scenario that would be good for everyone and that he would consult with the ruling majority. "We can also consult with the President of the Republic to reach a solution," he added.

Today he said that we was working on the idea and that his scenario was based on respecting the Constitution, law and the institute of a public selection process.

Asked about the debt to drug wholesalers, which has exceeded HRK 6 billion, and that wholesalers were limiting medical supplies to hospitals, Plenković said that citizens would not go without medicines and that Health Minister Vili Beroš and Finance Minister Zdravko Marić would continue talks with wholesalers and "find a solution."

Asked about the situation in the Trogir shipyard, which has 106 employees and is facing a bankruptcy, Plenković said the expected the owner to find a solution while the government "has its mechanisms of support for workers as has been usual in other situations."

Plenković attended a meeting of the Požega-Slavonia County branch of the Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ) in Pleternica to show his support to the HDZ candidates in May's local election.
