
Election Silence in Force Ahead of Sunday's Local Polls

By 15 May 2021
Election Silence in Force Ahead of Sunday's Local Polls

oZAGREB, 15 May 2021 - Election silence began at 0000 hours on Saturday ahead of Sunday's local polls at which 3.660 million voters are eligible to elect authorities in 576 units of local government.

Election silence is in force until 7pm on Sunday when polling stations close. During this time it is prohibited to publicly present platforms, persuade voters to vote for a slate or candidate, or publish estimates or unofficial election results.

The State Electoral Commission has called on all participants in the elections as well as physical and legal entities and media to respect election silence.

Fines for breaching it range from HRK 3,000 for physical persons, i.e. any citizen, to HRK 500,000 for legal persons, a political party for example. Candidates who breach election silence may be fined HRK 10,000-30,000.

Breaches are reported to local electoral commissions.

For more about politics in Croatia, follow TCN's dedicated page.
