
Grlić Radman Meets Croatian Fraternal Union Reps in Pittsburgh

By 24 September 2021
Grlić Radman Meets Croatian Fraternal Union Reps in Pittsburgh
Facebook/Goran Grlić Radman/screenshot

ZAGREB, 24 Sept 2021 - Croatian Foreign Minister Gordan Grlić Radman met with representatives of the Croatian Fraternal Union in Pittsburgh on Thursday, thanking them for the assistance in the creation of the Croatian state, during the Homeland War, and after last year's earthquakes.

"The Croatian Fraternal Union is the oldest Croatian diaspora organisation which today, as it has done during the 127 years of its existence, is working on the promotion of Croatian identity and Croatia, caring for and connecting the community of Croats whom life has taken to faraway parts of the world," the minister said.

The Croatian government will continue to support and strengthen the cooperation with the Union, he added, as reported by the ministry.

"Your role was irreplaceable during the Homeland War and during the struggle for Croatia's international recognition. That was confirmed again after the devastating earthquakes which struck Zagreb and Sisak-Moslavina counties," the minister said.

Croatian unity and solidarity were proven a number of times when it was hardest, he added.

The minister also visited the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center and the Hillman Cancer Center.

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