ZAGREB, 17 Nov 2021 - The Croatian government on Thursday adopted changes to the Croatian Citizenship Act, put forward due to a large number of citizenship applications based on a law that went into force on 1 January 2020 and problems in their submission, caused by the coronavirus pandemic.
The deadline for the submission of applications for Croatian citizenship under the current law expires on 1 January 2022 but since the pandemic has made it difficult for many to apply, the deadline will be extended by one more year.
The pandemic has caused problems in the submission of applications at diplomatic missions and consular offices, making it impossible for a large number of people to apply so the deadline for the submission of applications will be extended, Minister of the Interior Davor Božinović said.
The awarding of Croatian citizenship based on the applicant's ethnic background can also refer to persons older than 21 born abroad, on the condition that at the time of their birth at least one of their parents was a Croatian national.
The same applies to persons born between 8 January 1977 and 8 October 1991 whose parents had Croatian citizenship at the time of their birth but who have different citizenship entered in their citizenship data.