
FM says Croatia Supports Croats in Central Bosnia, is Committed to Bosnia's Stability

By 5 January 2022
FM says Croatia Supports Croats in Central Bosnia, is Committed to Bosnia's Stability

ZAGREB, 5, January, 2022 - Croatia's Foreign and European Affairs Minister Gordan Grlić Radman on Tuesday began his two-day visit to Bosnia and Herzegovina, with his first stop in the village of Križančevo Selo and Vitez, central Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Grlić Radman said that he had come to this part of Bosnia and Herzegovina to convey a message of encouraging words to local Croats and also to express Croatia's support to efforts to preserve peace and stability in that country.

In Križančevo Selo, the minister laid a wreath at the monument erected in tribute to more than 60 war victims -- villagers and Croatian Defence Council (HVO) members -- killed in atrocities committed by the Bosniak troops of the Army of Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1993.

"Innocent people were killed here. A horrendous atrocity was perpetrated, the elderly, women and children were victims. The perpetrators of such crime must be brought to account," Grlić Radman told the press after the wreath-laying ceremony.

He said that he would convey a message of support to the local Croats to survive in the area and underscored that Croatia supported the territorial integrity of Bosnia and Herzegovina and its EU membership aspirations.

Considering the geopolitical state of affairs, the stability and security of Bosnia and Herzegovina is is in Croatia's interest, the minister said, underscoring that the status of the Croat people, one of the three constituent peoples, is essential for the stability of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Croatia also supports all the reform processes aimed at amending the election legislation so as to eliminate all forms of discrimination and inequality in election processes and to make it possible for the Croats, as the least numerous constituent people, to have its legitimate representatives as office-holders.

On Wednesday, the Croatian minister is travelling to Sarajevo for a meeting with his Bosnian counterpart, Bisera Turković.

This has been the Croatian minister's third visit to Sarajevo in two and a half years.

Grlić Radman said that the intensity of bilateral meetings, including the recent official visit of Prime Minister Andrej Plenković, witnessed to Zagreb's commitment to fostering good relations with this neighbour.

In the spring, Croatia will host a joint meeting of the two governments with the outstanding issues on the agenda.

Croatia is the most reliable partner of Bosnia and Herzegovina, which can count on Croatia and all its experiences as a member of the EU and NATO, Grlić Radman said, highlighting the messages of peace and cooperation.

After Križančevo Selo, Grlić Radman visited the Franciscan monastery of Guča Gora and travelled to the town of Vitez for a meeting with local Croat leaders.
