
Parliament Adopts Package of Judicial Laws

By 11 February 2022
Parliament Adopts Package of Judicial Laws
Photo: Jose Alfonso Cussianovich

ZAGREB, 11 Feb 2022 - The Croatian parliament on Friday adopted a package of judicial laws as well as a report on the effects of epidemiological measures against coronavirus from 1 September to the end of December 2021.

The package of judicial laws includes amendments to the Courts Act, the State Attorney's Office Act, and the law governing the territorial jurisdictions and seats of courts and state attorney's offices. It specifies the election procedure for the Supreme Court President and Attorney General and introduces mandatory background checks for all judges and state attorneys every five years.

Court presidents and state attorneys will be required to apply for security checks with the competent security and intelligence agency through the Ministry of Justice.

In reference to the election of the Supreme Court President, the State Judicial Council (DSV) will submit timely and complete applications to the President of the Republic, and not his chief of staff, who will then request an opinion on the candidates from the competent authorities, a general assembly of the Supreme Court and the competent parliamentary committee.

If the President of the Republic does not recommend any of the candidates within 30 days, the DSV will revoke the public call for applications and advertise a new call within eight days.

In the case of expiry of the Supreme Court President's tern, the DSV will have the authority to appoint an acting president until a new president is elected. Under the present law, in this case, the duties of the Supreme Court President are carried out by the Vice President.

The State Attorney's Council (DOV) will submit applications for the position of Attorney General to the government which will then request an opinion on the candidates from the competent authorities and if the government does not recommend any of the candidates within 30 days, the DOV will revoke the public call for applications and advertise a new call within eight days.

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