
HDZ: Milanović will Expose Croatia to Veto and Blockades

By 21 May 2022

ZAGREB, 21 May, 2022 - The Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ) on Friday said that President Zoran Milanović would "expose Croatia to vetos and blockades" with his statements, and the victims, they say, will be Croatian citizens.

"The only 'success' he can achieve is to expose Croatia to 'veto' and 'blockades', whose victims will be Croatian citizens. And all in the midst of the biggest security, economic and energy uncertainties," the HDZ party wrote on Facebook.

In a post titled "How can you help your people if your turn everything against yourself?", the HDZ says that Milanović keeps insulting other countries, including Sweden, the US, France, Ukraine, Germany and the UK, he does not care about European funds, disparages NATO and the EU and wants to drag Croatia into conflict with its Western partners.

"If it was up to Milanović, Croatia would be isolated from all allies, and Croats in Bosnia and Herzegovina would be abandoned as during his term as prime minister," the HDZ said.

The party thinks that in today's Croatia, there are Milanović, Raspudić, Beljak and the Workers' Front on one side, while everyone else is on the other side.

On one side, there is strengthening allied cooperation and security within NATO and the EU, and on the other there is "the Moscow man from Pantovčak, blockade and isolation of Croatia," the HDZ wrote, adding that these were two paths -- the path to the future and the path to the past.

"Do Russian or Croatian interests come first for Milanović?," the HDZ asked, adding that President Milanović was "vocal in defending Kremlin" and that he had openly opposed the enlargement of NATO already in February, before the Russian aggression against Ukraine.

However, then he had not yet thought of using Croats in Bosnia and Herzegovina for his pro-Russian views.

He showed how much he really cared about them while he was supporting Komšić, he rejoiced when another people imposed political representatives on them, and for full four years as prime minister he did not utter a single word at the European Council about the unjust election law in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the HDZ pointed out.
