
New Tax Cuts on the Way, Say Ministers

By 29 August 2015

The government talks tax cuts ahead of the election. 

This is the strongest growth of the Croatian economy since 2009", said ministers Branko Grčić, Mirando Mrsić and Darko Lorencin today at a joint press conference. The GDP in the second quarter of this year grew by 1.2 percent, which is almost twice as much as expected, reports Index.hr on August 29, 2015.

"People can now recognize that they can increase the quality of their lives, and that they can start spending the money they were putting aside", said deputy prime minister Branko Grčić, stressing that Croatia is going forward and that the index of consumer confidence is higher than ever. Grčić added that jobs must be provided for all those who want to work, but that will take some time. "This is new hope for those looking for a job", said Grčić who repeated that the positive trend of GDP growth will continue.

Grčić also announced that further tax cuts can be expected, since that would increase the salaries of the citizens. It has been shown that tax cuts stimulate consumer spending and economic growth. "In the next term, during which SDP will be in the next government, we can expect new steps in increasing the wages of citizens and a new phase of tax cuts. It has been proven that tax cuts positively affect the consumption of citizens and economic growth", said the deputy prime minister and minister of regional development and EU funds.

Grčić also pointed out the increasing growth of employment and exports. At the same time, the decline of the construction sector has been stopped, said Grčić, who has not forgotten to repeat that Croatia has withdrawn 173.3 million euros more from the EU funds than it has paid in. Grčić also pointed out that the investments in the last quarter rose for the first time since 2008, which is a consequence of the increased withdrawal of EU funds.

"Overall tourist turnover has increased by 32 percent in the last three years of the term of this government", said tourism minister Darko Lorencin, adding that there are good indications for the next tourist season as well.
