
Croatian President Meets with the UN Secretary General

By 27 September 2015

President Kolinda Grabar Kitarovic meets the UN Secretary General.

At the UN headquarters in New York, Croatian president Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović had a meeting with secretary general Ban Ki-moon. The main topic of the meeting was how to resolve the ongoing refugee crisis faced by Europe, reports Vecernji List on September 26, 2015.

They have discussed the wider migrant crisis, and the president stressed the need to address this issue on a global level and at its roots. Sustainable development goals by 2030, which have been adopted by the United Nations, can be an important step in that direction.

During the meeting, the two leaders have discussed the possibilities of solving the global problems of illiteracy and the lack of access to education, which contributes to rising intolerance, growing extremism and numerous conflicts. They have also talked about the role of Croatia in the initiatives to promote education.

The president informed the secretary general about the Croatian candidacy for the membership in the Human Rights Council, since the promotion of human rights is one of the most important elements of the Croatian foreign policy. During the meeting, they have discussed the status of national minorities in Croatia and Croats who live in neighbouring countries.

The president pointed out the support that the Republic of Croatia is giving to peacekeeping missions of the UN and to the Peacebuilding Commission, particularly given that this year marks the 20th anniversary of the Dayton Peace Agreement for Bosnia and Herzegovina. She stressed that the anniversary represents an occasion to more strongly continue with the efforts for Bosnia and Herzegovina to become politically emancipated country of three equal constituent peoples throughout its territory, without neglecting the status of other national communities.

At the United Nations headquarters, president Kolinda Grabar Kitarović also met with Malala, a young Pakistani woman who last year won the Nobel Peace Prize.
