
Ivan Rakitić: My Future is with Barcelona

By 3 February 2017

After much speculation about his alleged dissatisfaction and potential dismissal from Barcelona, Croatian international and Barcelona midfielder Ivan Rakitić has revealed the truth in a recent interview. 

In an interview for Novi List on February 2, 2017, Ivan Rakitić has described what happened in recent weeks from the moment it was said that he would potentially be leaving Camp Nou. 

“There is not a player in the world who is happy when they do not play, and I am no exception. I admit that ahead of the game against Villarreal in early January when I read the roster and I was not placed among the eighteen players traveling, I was wondering what's the point, is it me, what did I do wrong? However, the next day the president and athletic director of the club had come to my house and explained to me that I do not have to worry and that my status in the club and on the team remains the same,” said Rakitić.

When asked about receiving slightly less playing time, or to comment on speculation that the Barcelona midfielder would be moving to Manchester City, United, or Juventus ... 

“That is inevitable when you play on a big team, but my future still belongs only and exclusively to Barcelona. I want to continue to play here, to win trophies, this is my club. For some time my club has been preparing a new contract, so my future at Barcelona is quite certain.”

You can read the full interview on Novi List here
