
Igor Štimac's Harsh Words on Hajduk Model: "Turn Poljud Into a Disco, Maybe It'd be Successful in That"

By 21 August 2018

Igor Štimac has claimed from day one that the Hajduk model is wrong. However, more and more fans are convinced that it’s right.

In a poll on 24 Sata which collected more than 7,000 votes, some 49 percent of voters said that Hajduk fans are the root of the club’s problems. 

Igor Štimac, former Croatia national team footballer, 3-time Hajduk player and Hajduk coach, had no filter on what he believes to be the evil within the club, reports 24 Sata on August 20, 2018. 

“The game against Gorica is not important, everything that has happened on the field in recent weeks, months, is the result of the ignorance of managing a sports society such as Hajduk. And I'm happy that these guys who pointed the finger at all former administrations, accusing them of being thieves and who knows what, sit in our seats and see how nice it is to sit there and how much they do not know."

“Just the coach’s resignation is irrelevant, the staff proved last year what they know and can do, but did not follow up with the management of the club, and did not meet with them. The players were sold ahead of the derby, the president was driven out ahead of important matches, this season again they sold important players before European matches. All this says is that the club is led by and chooses people who lead who have no clue what Hajduk should be and look like. "

"I'm talking about Our Hajduk (Naš Hajduk), they decide, manage and spend tens of millions of euros a year on ignorance and improvisation and have no plan and vision to do what they want in the club."

"Take off your jerseys" and "You'll get a flare” was heard again from the North stands after the game against Gorica.

"I'm not for threats, terror, and coercion, but if you have to point a finger, then the first would be to those that hold lectures at an assembly and justify their inaction and ignorance with numbers."

The subject of this mess was the assembly's idea to open a ‘Hajduk Pub’.

"Let the stadium turn into a disco and serve beer, maybe it would be a success..."

"This is not the right way to run the club because seven years is a long time to prove that something is not going the right way.”

"Hajduk lived in difficult conditions not so long ago, with a blocked account, in disrepair, but they always won the trophy or at least fought for the trophy, and had the strength to get out of trouble."

"Last year confirms that these guys with 20 to 25 million euros cannot dispose of it. They say 21 percent goes to the team budget, and what is the rest of it for? On their wages, ignorance, and improvisation. And the managers of the players who are gone! Is it a coincidence that all the managers have paid is just 200,000 euros, the amount that can be given without the City's approval?"

"There is a lot of non-transparency, illogicality, compromise… it is time for city officials to take responsibility for allowing them to do this. It's time for a proper audit to see where the money went, in which way and why."
