
Latest NBA News: Bojan Bogdanović to Utah, Mario Hezonja to Portland?

Croatian basketball player Bojan Bogdanović has allegedly agreed to join Utah Jazz for the next NBA season, with a contract worth 73 million USD, reports HRT on July 1, 2019.

This would be Bogdanovć’s fourth NBA team after the Brooklyn Nets, Washington Wizards and Indiana Pacers. Media reports claim that Bogdanović will sign a contract with Utah for four years. 

Recall, Bogdanović’s career in the NBA began with three years in Brooklyn, from 2014 to February 2017, followed by a move to Washington. In July of 2017, he signed a two-year contract with the Indiana Pacers.

In 399 games played in the NBA, Bogdanović has an average of 13.3 points and 3.4 rebounds. Last season, the Croatian representative played 81 games and reached an average of 18 points per game, 4.1 rebounds and 2.0 assists, while his average for three-pointers was 42.5 percent.

In other NBA transfer news, Mario Hezonja has allegedly agreed on a move from the New York Knicks to the Portland Trail Blazers where he should sign a two-year contract. After the first season, the 24-year-old Dubrovnik native can terminate the agreement, ESPN said. Hezonja’s contract is worth over a million dollars per season, as it is the minimum NBA wage for players with four years of experience in the highest-quality basketball league in the world.

After spending four seasons in the Eastern Conference, where he played for the Orlando Magic for the first three years and moved to the New York Knicks for the 2018/19 season, Hezonja will head to the West and join the team that made it to the conference finals last year, though they lost all four games to the Golden State Warriors.

Last year, Hezonja played 58 games for the Knicks, 24 of which he started in the top five and spent 20.8 minutes on average on the court. In that time, he averaged 8.8 points, with 41.2 percent of shots in play, out of which three-pointers accounted for 27.6 percent. He also averaged 3.0 rebounds with 1.3 assists.

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