
Former Croatian President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic Joins International Olympic Committee

By 17 July 2020
Former Croatian President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic Joins International Olympic Committee
Slobodan Kadic

July 17, 2020 - Former Croatian President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic has been elected to the International Olympic Committee with 86 votes in favor and three against.

Vecernji List reports that former president Kolinda Grabar Kitarovic was confirmed as a member of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) on Friday through Zoom. Namely, it was originally planned that the ceremony would take place in Switzerland, more precisely in the city of Lausanne, but due to the coronavirus, all trips were postponed, including the ceremony receiving new members.

Grabar-Kitarovic was nominated by IOC President Thomas Bach and was elected by 86 votes to three.

“I am extremely honored to be a member of the IOC. This is not only my personal success but also a recognition of all the achievements of Croatian sport and excellent results of Croatian athletes, who represent our homeland in the world as a nation of great talents and hardworking people, who consistently promote the principles and values ​​of the Olympic Movement," said the former president for Vecernji.

Grabar-Kitarovic added that she has always supported and advocated the values ​​of a positive sports spirit and competition, friendship and Olympism, both in Croatia and on the international scene. “Throughout history, Olympism has played a strong role not only in the development of sport and competition, but also in the field of international peacekeeping and stability. The Olympic truce and Olympic diplomacy have always played an important role and achieved success even where classical diplomacy has failed," she said.

Candidates for membership also included Cuban Marie de la Caridad Colon Ruenes, Saudi Princess Reema Bandar Al-Saud, Battushig Batbold from Mongolia and celebrated athlete Sebastian Coe from the UK, who will take office ex officio as president of the World Athletics Federation.

“I am happy and honored by the nomination! Sport for me is not only a passion but also a great opportunity to promote fundamental human values, positive competitive spirit, but also great athletes - promoters of Our Beautiful," wrote Grabar-Kitarovic on Twitter after the nomination in June.

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