HDZ president reacts to recent statements by MOST leader Božo Petrov.
The seven guarantees should be implemented before the new government is confirmed.
Just like prior to last year’s elections, MOST against say they will not go into coalition with any of the major parties.
MOST will issue an ultimatum with five demands to HDZ and SDP if they want to form the government with them.
Although it is widely expected that MOST would choose HDZ over SDP as a coalition partner after the elections, there are other options as well.
The goal is to achieve economic growth of almost four percent by 2020.
MOST leader Božo Petrov reacts to yesterday’s debate.
Although it was expected that the MOST leader would run against Plenković and Milanović, he will stay in the southernmost parliamentary constituency.
Croatian Radio Television accuses MOST of interfering in its editorial independence.
MOST is expected to officially submit its candidate lists on Wednesday.