The given reason is bizarre.
The strike could be organised in the middle of the tourist season.
On Friday, May 26th, the towns of Sinj, Trilj and Vrlika hosted bloggers and journalists from the Czech Republic and representatives of Croatia Airlines in the Czech Republic and Croatia.
They are dissatisfied with the company’s decision to dismiss one of their colleagues.
Croatia Airlines and Air India have signed a commercial codeshare agreement to use shared codes for flights on both carriers.
The Croatia Airlines summer schedule begins on March 27, 2017 - the full routing list from each airport from ExYuAviation.
Croatia Airlines has made the news quite a lot recently, and it seems expansion is on the horizon for this summer.
CA has retained four afternoon landing slots at London Heathrow.
A change of heart in the decision by Croatia Airlines to sell its lucrative Heathrow slots, reports ExYuAviation News on January 9, 2017.