Thursday, 21 July 2016

Read a Book – Facebook Sensation Makes Books Popular Again

Alis Marić is now looking to get the car industry interested in supporting culture.

Tuesday, 31 May 2016

Companies See Bloggers as Irreplaceable Channel of Communication

Croatian businesses and bloggers are finding value in mutual cooperation.

Tuesday, 26 April 2016

Meet the Bloggers of Croatia: Isabel from Istria Outside My Window

Istria is one of Croatia's most popular destinations, but there are surprisingly few bloggers based there who are writing about Istrian life. Continuing the TCN series on the bloggers of Croatia, we caught up with one of them on April 25, 2016 - Isabel from Istria Outside My Window. Born in Canada to Croatian parents, Isabel has more than one passport but no fixed identity. 

Monday, 29 February 2016

Bloggers of Croatia: Tourism, Politics and Ankica Mamic

Continuing our popular look at the bloggers of Croatia, TCN caught up with something of a rarity on February 29, 2016, a lady who blogs about Croatian politics in English. Meet Ankica Mamić, who has some very interesting opinions on both politics and tourism in Croatia. 

Monday, 22 February 2016

Bloggers of Croatia: Jane Cody of Croatia Cruising Companion

TCN's series looking at the bloggers of Croatia continues on February 22, 2016, and we are delighted to feature the ultimate pioneer of Croatian blogging. Jane Code has just celebrated a decade of blogging about Croatia with her Croatia Online and accompanying Croatia Cruising Companion blogs. A fascinating look over ten years in which tourism in Croatia has changed rapidly, and a must-read for those with Croatian nautical interests.

Sunday, 14 February 2016

The Bloggers of Croatia: The Team from Go Hvar

Continuing TCN's look at the best bloggers in Croatia, whose words and impressions about Croatia are read all over the world. TCN catches up with the team from Go Hvar on February 14, 2016.

Tuesday, 9 February 2016

Bloggers of Croatia: The Team from Taste of Croatia

Continuing TCN's look at the bloggers of Croatia, whose posts are helping shape the international view of the modern Croatia. TCN met the phenomenon that is Taste of Croatia on February 8, 2016.

Friday, 29 January 2016

Meet the Bloggers of Croatia: Alan Mandic of Secret Dalmatia

Continuing our look at the bloggers of Croatia, today TCN meets one of the most established and still one of the best - Secret Dalmatia. 

Wednesday, 20 January 2016

Meet the Bloggers of Croatia: Andrea Pisac of Zagreb Honestly

Continuing the TCN series meeting the bloggers of Croatia, meet one of the most honest of them all, Andrea Pisac from Zagreb Honestly. 

Saturday, 16 January 2016

Meet the Bloggers of Croatia: SJ from Chasing the Donkey

Meet the English-language bloggers of Croatia, whose advice, opinions and experiences influence a percentage of the growing number of tourists visiting the country. We start with Chasing the Donkey from the Zadar region. 

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