Thursday, 18 April 2019

Picula: Stronger European Union Support for Control of Croatian Borders

Strasbourg, 18 April 2019 - Croatian MEP Tonino Picula supported the report on the proposal of the regulation on the European [Union] border and coast guard during the last plenary session in Strasbourg.

"I'm glad that we'll have stronger support from the European Union in the control of our borders and European [Union] borders,'' he concluded during yesterday's debate on the report on the proposal of the European Parliament.

Croatia's MEP Picula was the initiator of the successful extension of the European Coastal and Border Guard for the Schengen area along the external borders of the European Union, including the Republic of Croatia, and he stressed how the new agency will help to better protect the borders in order to preserve free movement inside the European Union.

Thus, today the Croatian foreign border is protected a part of Schengen, and the Republic of Croatia has the funds of the European border and coast guard available to it, which greatly eases the job of border officials.

The European Border and Coast Guard consists of the border police and coastal police of member states and the agency for the European border and coastguard, more specifically Frontex, and was established in the autumn of 2016. 

"Since I come from Croatia, the country with the longest foreign land border in the EU, I especially support the work of the agency along the external borders of the Union, not just the Schengen area, from which we are still closed off with barbed wire,'' he pointed out.

Only four months after Croatia's accession to the Schengen Information System, it was done 75 million controls and identified over 4000 offenses. This proves the importance of Croatia as a partner in securing the external borders of the European Union and justifies its quicker connection Schengen area.

Make sure to follow our dedicated politics page for much more.

Monday, 13 August 2018

Dream Small: The Myth Is True

Saturday, 18 June 2016

Other Side Of Football Hooliganism In Croatia

TCN’s Goran Antonijević, a man who has travelled thousands of miles to support the Croatian National Team in the past, takes a look into the reasons of yesterday’s events in Saint Etienne. There is no excuse for hooliganism, and there is no excuse for breaking the law. By the hooligans, politicians, and football officials alike. But there is an understanding for those outraged by the hooligans and those outraged by the officials using football as a playground for their personal gain.

Sunday, 12 June 2016

Croatian Elite Allegedly Has Secret Bank Accounts with RBA Group

According to a document whose authenticity could not be confirmed, it seems that some members of Croatian political and business elite like to keep their money safely abroad.

Wednesday, 8 June 2016

MOST to Give HDZ an Ultimatum- Retract the Oreskovic no Confidence Vote or New Elections

Grab your popcorn, the soap opera continues.

Sunday, 29 May 2016

Four Possible Outcomes for Ruling Coalition Crisis

In the next three weeks, Croatia could find out whether there will be early parliamentary elections, something not really seen in 26 years of Croatian multiparty democracy.

Tuesday, 26 April 2016

Janica Kostelić Nominated for Deputy Minister of Sport

Kostelić is nominated by Minister of Science, Education, and Sport, and should be confirmed at the next Government cabinet meeting.

Thursday, 10 March 2016

Ivan Lovrinović: I Want Changes to the Budget and I Will Have Support of MOST

Government has only just presented the budget, but one MP from a ruling party already wants changes.

Monday, 7 March 2016

HDZ Not Sure What Prime Minister's Advisor Will Be Doing

PM's decision to name Chief Integration Officer baffles some in HDZ.

Friday, 4 March 2016

Migrant Route Change to Affect Croatian Tourism Industry?

According to some forecasts, refugee route might come closer to the Croatian coast

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