Friday, 8 May 2020

Coronavirus: Dalmatia Wants to Relax Measures for Hospitality Industry

As Novac/Jozo Vrdoljak writes on the 7th of May, 2020, the third phase of easing the anti-coronavirus measures, which begins on May the 11th, will enable the operation of catering and hospitality facilities and only in outdoor areas and on terraces, while respecting the special epidemiological measures which continue to be firmly in place.

This is one of the reasons why the representatives of the catering and hospitality industry in the Professional Group of the Croatian Chamber of Commerce (HGK), more precisely the Split County Chamber, decided to hold an online session. The session discussed tax burdens and levies, the lease of public areas and business premises owned by the state and by local self-government units, unfair competition, a moratorium on credit indebtedness and other issues of importance for the functioning of this type of business in the coronavirus era.

For each of the aforementioned topics, concrete proposals and ways of dealing with things were provided at the session, and it was agreed that, depending on the issue, the group would send letters with their proposals to various institutions. These included the City of Split, the Croatian Employment Service (CES), the State Inspectorate, and via the national association to the Croatian Chamber of Commerce itself, and then even further - to the appropriate ministries and to the Croatian Government.

"Until the current requirements for the operation of catering facilities are relaxed, I'm of the opinion that the vast majority of those working in this sector will have neither the conditions nor the motives to start working again," said Ivan Malada.

Stipe Jelicic, Vice President of the Association of Catering/Hospitality Activities of the Croatian Chamber of Commerce, informed his colleagues about the proposal for the measures for the catering and hospitality industry from the aforementioned national association and the course of the negotiations with the National Civil Protection Headquarters regarding those same proposals in the hope of reaching a fair and favourable solution that suits everyone.

The group pointed out the various issues and problems created by the situation with the coronavirus pandemic in the catering and hospitality industry and proposed some solutions to those issues. At the very beginning of the crisis, the group sent their proposals for what the measures should look like to the City of Split and to Split-Dalmatia County.

"Regarding the beginning of operations for those in the catering and hospitality industry under these specific conditions, we've suggested to the State Inspectorate that their actions be primarily educational and preventive, with the aim of pointing out omissions, and if there are minor mistakes, the allowance for them to be corrected. That's why I'd like to invite those in this field to contact HGK ŽK Split directly if they have difficulties in organising their work in accordance with the decisions and instructions, in order to cooperate with the competent institutions in a constructive way to resolve misunderstandings and find solutions,'' stated Joze Tomaš, president of the Croatian Chamber of Commerce - Split County Chamber.

Make sure to follow our dedicated section for all you need to know about coronavirus in relation to Croatia.

Monday, 4 May 2020

VIDEO: A Nostalgic Look Back at Summer '96 in Makarska

May 4, 2020 - A nostalgic look back at Makarska in 1996, the first summer after the war. 

Yellow houses, beach bars, and 90s summer fashion. The Makarska Television YouTube channel has hit us with a wave of nostalgia, after publishing a video from there archives dating back to 1996, reports Slobodna Dalmacija.

It was a summer to remember. Not only was if the first summer after the way, but the Dolly sheep was cloned, Hurricane Bertha rattled the US coast, and The Hague issued a warrant for Karadzic's arrest. Former South African President F.W. de Klerk apologized for the apartheid, Bill Clinton began his second term, and America stirred the pot with cruise missile strikes on Iraq, called Operation Desert Strike conducted that September. 

That summer, we watched the Atlanta Olympics, danced to the Macarena, and listened to Dino Dvornik's 'Africa', No Doubt's 'Just A Girl', 'Ironic' by Alanis Morisette, 'No Diggity' by Dr Dre, and Coolio's 'Gangsta's Paradise'. The most progressive were already listening to techno, and turbo-folk was nowhere to be heard. However, many were still listening to psychedelic rock, like the staff at the Makarska beach bar in this video.

Beach bars were the biggest hit at the time, because with the awakening of tourism on the Croatian coast, they were just beginning to open.

That summer, Makarska beach was a real Mecca for the younger crowd from Ploce to Split; the younger crowd eager to have fun. They would swim to the Yellow House and party in the evenings. First down at the beach and then into famous clubs Opera or Grote. 

It was a much simpler time when lounge chairs and beach decorations didn't exist - and prices were fair. 

Enjoy this blast from the past. A Dalmatian summer hotspot almost 24 years ago. 

To read more about travel in Croatia, follow TCN's dedicated page.

Monday, 20 April 2020

Sjajne karikature života u Dalmaciji: Intervju s Tisjom Kljaković Braić

20. 4. 2020 – Kako prikazati jedinstvenost i briljantnost prekrasnog fenomena života u Dalmaciji? Upoznajte splitsku umjetnicu Tisju Kljaković Brajić, autoricu fantastične knjige karikatura dalmatinskog života, Oni.

Dalmacija je jedinstvena. Volim je do smrti, ali me jednako tako do besvijesti frustrira. Trebalo mi je 15 godina života ovdje da se pomirim sa svojim frustracijama, koja sad mogu sažeti u jednu rečenicu savjeta na novopridošle. Prihvatite ovu rečenicu savjeta od početka i živite prema njoj, i život će vam biti beskonačno bolji. Odbijte prihvatiti taj savjet i vjerojatno ćete ili iz frustracije odustati od Dalmacije ili ćete završiti tako da ćete je nakon par godina ipak prihvatiti i živjeti po njoj. Rečenica je jednostavna:

Nemojte pokušavati promijeniti Dalmaciju, ali očekujte da će Dalmacija promijeniti vas.

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Toliko je toga posebno i jedinstveno u Dalmaciji, a među tim i navade Dalmatinaca. Kad kao stranac istaknem neke od njih, često me optuže da se referiram na zaostale stereotipe. Zato sam bio tako sretan kad sam prošle godine od supruge dobio zaista krasan Božićni poklon, knjigu “Oni” koju je napisala Tisja Kljaković Braić. Smijao sam se ostatak toga dana.

Tisja je pronašla malo vremena da mi odgovori na neka pitanja o knjizi, Dalmaciji i svojim planovima.

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Priznat ću vam da se nikad nisam toliko smijao zbog Božićnog poklona, NIKAD, kao kad mi je supruga poklonila vašu knjigu Oni. Posebice zbog slike sarme. Recite nam nešto o knjizi, te kako ste odlučili napisati/ilustrirati je?

Oni su davno nastali u mojim slikama na drvu. Na njima Oni lete plavim nebom i rade sve šta se u pjesmama radi. U jednom momentu izasli su u formi crteža i počeli živjeti stvaran život. Mnogi te crteže nazivaju karikaturom mada ništa nisam iskarikirala. Naprotiv, ni zarez nisam promijenila da bi bili što životinji.

I tako, objavila sam prvi crtež na fejsu i počelo me veselit to da mogu nasmijati ljude. Ubrzo se crteža namnožilo i izdala sam knjigu Oni koja je doživila veliki uspjeh.

Ono što je Njih učinilo tako popularnima jest zapravo to šta su tako obični. Svak se u njima prepoznao. Mislim da je došlo do jednog zasićenja photoshopom i nestvarnim svijetom, a Oni nemaju filter.

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Imate TOLIKO opservacija o životu u Dalmaciji. Kada ste ih prvo počeli primjećivati i koliko vam je trebalo da skupite kolekciju za knjigu?

Nisam nikad razmišljala o životu u Dalmaciji kad ga ja naprosto živim. Iz mene prirodno izlazi ono šta mi je u krvi. Mislila sam da zbog toga što predstavlja tipične Dalmatince knjiga neće bit zanimljiva dalje od Dalmacije, međutim desilo se baš suprotno. Evo i Srbi i Slovenci kupili su prava na knjigu.

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Stil vaših ilustracija je jedinstven i vrlo prepoznatljiv. Recite nam nešto o njemu, te jeste li imali neke posebne modele u glavi dok ste stvarali ilustracije.

Uvijek mi je bio san da u tri poteza mogu nacrtat sve i napokon sam uspila. U crti koja glumi oko možete vidit kako ga ona gleda. Mislim da ih se u zadnje vrijeme može i uti. Njihov izgled, njihova razlika u visina... ma koliko se odupirala tome to smo muž i ja.

Međutim oni nose karakteristike naših roditelja, sve ono šta nam je išlo na živce i u šta ćemo se u skorije vrijeme pretvorit.

Knjiga Oni postala je svojevrsni bračni udžbenik.

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Možete li nam reći kojih je vama omiljenih pet ilustracija iz knjige, te nam u jednoj rečenici objasniti zašto su vam one posebne?

Moja najdraža ilustracija nije uopće smiješna. Ima u sebi poeziju koju imaju moje slike. Zove se Pomirbeni nogododir. Mislim da se u njoj krije tajna braka.

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Kako biste u jednom pasusu objasnili sljedeće osobi koja prvi puta posjećuje Dalmaciju? a) mladog Dalmatinca, b) mladu Dalmatinku, c) dalmatinsku nonu, d) dalmatinskog dida?

Na to pitanje ću odgovorit ovako. Amarcord, Fellinijev Amarcord je to.

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Koja stvar vas najviše frustrira kod Dalmacije i Dalmatinaca?

Zapravo to je isto kao da me pitate šta me ljuti kod mene same. Ima puno toga al neću kazat i neću priznat.

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Koju stvar najviše volite kod Dalmacije i Dalmatinaca?

A šta volim kod sebe, o tome nije red govorit, nije se lijepo hvalit? Samo ću reć da ne bi promijenila kvart, a kamoli grad.

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Što je sljedeće u kreativnom svijetu Tisje Kljaković Braić?

Sve šta sam napravila napravila sam bez plana i programa i ne pada mi na pamet da ikad išta planiram. Evo i knjigu koju sam napisala o svom djetinjstvu U malu je uša Đava napisala sam sebi za uspomenu. U jedanaesti mjesec u HNK Split trebala bi bit premijera predstave po toj knjizi…

Sve što radim je upravo ono što me u tom trenutku čini sretnom, i ne razmišljam o ničem dužem od tog trenutka.

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Hvala na intervjuu, Tisja, i hvala za mnogo smijanja. Ako želite dodati malo smijeha u svoj dan, možete zapratiti Facebook stranicu Tisja Kljaković Braić Art.

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Monday, 20 April 2020

Brilliant Caricatures of Dalmatian Life: Tisja Kljakovic Braic Interview

April 20, 2020 - How to capture the uniqueness and brilliance of the wonderful phenomenon that is life in Dalmatia? Meet Split artist Tisja Kljakovic Braic, author of the brilliant book of caricatures of Dalmatian life, ONI.

Dalmatia is unique. I love it to death and it frustrates the hell out of me. And it took me a full 15 years of living here to find the way to come to terms with my frustrations, which I can now summarise in a single sentence of advice for newcomers. Accept this sentence of advice from the beginning and live by it, and your life will be infinitely better. Refuse to accept it, and you will probably either quit Dalmatia in frustration or end up accepting it and living by it in several years.  The sentence is a simple one:

Do not try and change Dalmatia, but expect Dalmatia to change you. 

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There are SO many things which are special and unique to Dalmatia and the habits of Dalmatian people. As a foreigner, when I highlight some of them, I am often accused of referred to outdated stereotypes. And so I was VERY happy to receive a truly wonderful Christmas present from my wife last year - ONI by Tisja Kljakovic Braic. I was laughing for much of the rest of the day. 

Tisja kindly found the time for a quick interview about the book, Dalmatia and her plans. 

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I will confess I have never laughed so much because of a Christmas present, EVER, after my wife gave me a copy of your book ONI. The sarma picture in particular. Tell us a little about the book, and why you decided to write/illustrate it?

They were created long ago in my paintings on wood. On them, Oni fly around in the blue sky and do everything they do in the songs. At one point, they came out in the form of drawings and started living real life. Many people call these drawings a caricature even though I never drew caricatures. On the contrary.

And so I posted my first drawing on Facebook, and I was glad that I could make people laugh. Soon, the drawings multiplied and I published a book called Oni that ended up becoming a great success.

What made them so popular is actually that they are so ordinary. Everyone recognised themselves in them. Oni doesn't have a filter.

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There are SO many observations of life in Dalmatia. When did you first start noting them and how long did it take to come up with the collection for the book?

I never thought about life in Dalmatia, given the fact that I live my life here. What is in my blood just naturally comes out. I thought that because this is all about typical Dalmatian things, the book would not be interesting beyond Dalmatia, but the opposite happened. Both Serbs and Slovenes bought the rights to the book.

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Your illustrating style is unique and very distinctive. Tell us about it, and did you have any particular role models in your head as you did the illustrations.  

It was always my dream for me to be able to draw everything in three moves and I finally succeeded. In the drawing, you can see the way they look at each other. I think by now, you can probably even hear them. The way they look, their height differences, however much I try to fight it... that's my husband and I.

However, they all bear characteristics of our parents, everything that once got on our nerves and everything that we'll eventually turn into ourselves.

The book ''Oni'' became kind of a marriage manual.

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Can you give us five of your favourite illustrations from the book (please send the images) and tell us in a sentence each why they are special to you? 

My favourite image is actually not funny. It has a poem in it, like my pictures do. I think a secret marriage hides within that picture.

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How would you describe the following to a first-time visitor in Dalmatia in a paragraph?

a - a young Dalmatian male

b - a young Dalmatian female

c - a Dalmatian nona

d - a Dalmatian dida

I'll respond like this to this question - Fellini's Amarcord.

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What is the thing that frustrates you the most about 



That's like asking me what annoys me about myself, there's a lot and I won't say or admit anything.

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What is the thing you love most about 



What do I love about myself? It's not good to talk about those things, it isn't nice to brag. I'd just say that I wouldn't even change my neighbourhood, let alone my city.

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What's next in the creative world of Tisja Kljakovic Braic? 

Everything I've done, I've done without a plan and without a programme and it hasn't occurred to me to plan anything ever. There's also a book that I wrote about my childhood called ''The kid taken by the Devil'' which I wrote for myself as a memoir. In November at the Croatian National Theatre in Split, the premiere of a show based on that book should take place.

Everything I do is what makes me happy at that moment in time, and I don't think about anything longer than that moment.

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Thanks Tisja, and thank you for the many laughs. If you want to add a little humour to your day you can follow the official Tisja Kljakovic Braic Art Facebook page.

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Sunday, 16 February 2020

Introducing the Traditional Dalmatian Games Olympics: Get Involved!

February 17, 2020 - There are SO many obscure traditional Dalmatian games that are local to individual villages that are slowly dying out. So why not revive and celebrate them with the Traditional Dalmatian Games Olympics? Get involved!

Almost 8 years ago, a new wine festival in an inland village on Hvar was announced. It was to be a celebration of the local Bogdanusa grape variety, as well as different aspects of culture of the village of Svirce. 

Among the attractions was a game called Zoga Falo, a traditional game played mostly in Svirce, as well as occasionally in the villages of Vrisnik and Velo Grablje and one or two villages on Brac. 

In ten years of living on Hvar, I had never heard of it. And neither had most locals I asked about it. What a fantastic idea to revive some of the traditions of the island I thought, and when we found a 90-year-old Zoga Falo player in the village who was able to relate his sporting experiences in his youth, it was the icing on the cake of a great idea. You can learn more about zoga falo and the atmosphere on an unforgettable evening in Svirce in the Hvar TV report below. 

Time passed, and as I got to know Dalmatia better, so too I learned all about some of the unique Dalmatian games that were played in various parts of the region. Many were particular to just one village, and many were slowly dying out as the new generation prefers gadgets to the traditional Dalmatian games of their grandparents' generation. 

And then, last November, in glorious sunshine on a truly special day, Trogir launched its fabulous new branding, Marked by Masters. It was an outstanding day, bringing the very best of Dalmatia and its traditions to life. 


Among the many cool things that unforgettable day in Trogir was the sight of Trogir's young children playing traditional Dalmatian games in the streets and squares of that exquisite old town and UNESCO World Heritage Site (this one is called trilja, and it the basis of the new Trogir logo). 

Tourism is in danger of losing its authenticity, and I personally think that if we can put the community back into tourism as it was just 15 years ago, everyone would benefit, as I wrote recently. What if we could revive and celebrate all these traditional Dalmatian games and bring them into one place for locals and tourists, learn about and compete in?

Why not have the Olympics of Traditional Dalmatian Games?

Walking around Trogir, I could imagine an event with locals and tourists competing in different Dalmatian games on different squares, bringing the whole town to life in a celebration of the region's heritage. And it would be a great opportunity to get the older generation involved. 

Over lunch that day, I got chatting to a lovely couple dressed in traditional Dalmatian clothing. They had been married for almost 60 years and spoke with enthusiasm about Trogir in their childhood and the games they used to play. It got me thinking - if we could get the older generation involved with their memories, experiences, photographs etc. how much richer would the event be? And where better to hold such an event than Trogir. 

I decided to post on Facebook, asking people to contribute any traditional Dalmatian games that they could remember from their village. The list so far is a little disorganised, but is a good basis. Not all of them can be turned into competitive sports, but certainly some can. 

Are there any more? Send us some info (and which village/town it is played) to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Subject Games, and let's see what else is out there and if we can organise a great alternative Olympics. 

If you are interested in helping us take this idea forward, please contact me.  











Zoga falo








Trula kobila






Papagalo koja ura ze


Na graničara 

Koja je ura

Že Crna Marica jen', dva, tri!

Na slije (sličice)


Balun o' ruke

Tuesday, 11 February 2020

Marvie Hotel, For a Healthy and Happy Holiday in Split

February 10, 2020 - Recover, reshape, and recharge at Marvie Hotel & Health in Split. 

Wellness is the ‘active process of becoming aware of and making choices toward a healthy and fulfilling life’. 

The World Health Organisation considers it “a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being,” while it is "a conscious, self-directed and evolving process of achieving full potential” by The National Wellness Institute.

With more stressors surrounding us today than ever before, wellness has become the focal point that aids us through the day-to-day. Whether we turn to meditation, yoga, skincare or eating better, wellness shows its face in many ways and comes in a selection of shapes and sizes. 

Travelers today are increasingly turning away from the busier tourist cities and instead opting for wellness breaks, healing retreats, or spa getaways to help improve their physical or mental health. With that idea in mind, wellness tourism has taken off. 

Thus, in the heart of Split, you’ll find a hub for health and wellness - Marvie Hotel. 

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After opening its doors in 2017, Marvie became Dalmatia’s first hotel focusing on medical tourism, targeting quality self-care in all of its segments. 

Located in Split's quiet residential area of Zenta, just a five-minute drive from the bustling city center, Marvie is spacious and modern, boasting an underground garage on three floors, 74 rooms and two suites, and modular halls that can accommodate up to 65 people. 

However, what truly makes Marvie the heart of medical tourism in Split is its health and wellness offer. 

The Renevie wellness zone is where guests can recover, reshape, and recharge. With relaxation at its core, the Renevie wellness zone offers an indoor hot tub and pool, as well as an outdoor rooftop infinity pool that boasts breathtaking views of the city. In the summer, the rooftop becomes an oasis for guests looking to enjoy the easygoing Mediterranean lifestyle, where sunbeds are offered for you to kick back with a cold drink and light snacks, while summer yoga sessions and exercise programs are held to encourage the more active vacationers. 

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The Renevie wellness zone offers two private saunas that provide a variety of ways to rejuvenate your mind, body, and spirit. The Finnish sauna is for those looking to detox or enhance their skin elasticity, while the Turkish sauna benefits the immune system and helps with hydration. A fully equipped gym is also available for guests looking to push their fitness limits. 

AquaMed Medical Wellness, which is a modern clinic for physical medicine and rehabilitation, is a fundamental part of Marvie’s wellness offer. With a focus on physical therapy, manual therapy using the Maitland concept, hydrotherapy pool exercises, massages (medical, sport, AquaMed, aroma, anti-cellulite), beauty treatments, acupuncture and nutritional counseling, AquaMed aims to prevent and eliminate health and aesthetic challenges, while preserving your power and beauty.


Whether you require a physician, acupuncturist, nutritionist, masseuse, beautician, or pedicurist, Marvie’s specialists provide a full range of physical therapy and aesthetic services for guests to enjoy. 

Because Mediterranean cuisine is a vital organ to the region, Marvie fuses fresh, seasonal, and local ingredients with a scientific approach to ensure your dietary needs are fulfilled. Whether you have a specific medical condition or are looking to detox and adopt healthier eating habits, Marvie’s nutritional experts will craft plans tailored to your wishes. 

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The Da’Mar restaurant at the hotel adds a modern touch to Mediterranean-inspired dishes, which are adjusted to service the gluten-free guests. Everything at the hotel, from light bites to dessert, is prepared fresh and in house daily. 

Finally, what completes Marvie is its partners. 

The Mediderm clinic at Marvie, which is led by dr. med. Sanda Peric-Susak, boasts twenty years of experience and specializes in dermatovenerology and anti-aging treatments. Their team of experts focuses on aesthetic and vascular surgery, immunology, endocrinology, allergology, orthopedics, and sports traumatology. Whether you’re looking to reduce the signs of aging or want a clearer picture of your overall health, the Mediderm clinic is at your service to ensure your body is taken care of. 


Therapists Vanja and Kristijan Kasalo are on hand to look after your mental health. After years of experience from Split to Norway and back, their private practice of integrative psychotherapy will give you professional insight and offer techniques to help you maintain a healthy mindset.

IDC Ruzevic, on the other hand, is the most modern facility for dental medicine and implantology in Dalmatia. Led by Niki Ruzevic, M.D., who boasts 35 years of experience as a dentist and more than 15 years of experience in implantology, its modern facilities include four dental offices, a surgical room, a sterilization room and an X-ray area. Offering a range of treatments for your oral health, IDC Ruzevic uses sophisticated methods, premium materials, and modern devices to care for each patient individually. 

With a full range of quality services on offer for its guests, there is no better way to optimize your well-being than at Marvie Hotel. 

You can find out more about Marvie Hotel here.

To read more about travel in Croatia, follow TCN’s dedicated page.

Thursday, 6 February 2020

VIDEOS: Bura Blasts through Dalmatia, Damage Across Region

February 6, 2020 - The bura came back with a vengeance this week, blasting its way through Dalmatia with up to 270 km/h winds in some parts.

After a relatively mild offseason with temperatures in the teens, the harshness of winter hit in the form of hurricane-like bura winds on Wednesday. The already dead Dalmatian towns turned even more ghost-like as the powerful winds swept through the towns. 

As expected, the traffic stopped, ferries came to a halt, and the damage was inevitable. 

In Makarska, for example, a crane toppled at the Romana Hotel, construction material flew, and trees were cut from their roots. A similar scene could be found on the city beach, where pines fell to the ground. The wind even caused two traffic accidents and blocked traffic in the city center, but luckily no one was hurt. 

Wednesday’s storm caused extensive damage to the Star Village Mosor observatory in Gornji Sitno. The large dome of the observatory was completely destroyed and the large telescope housed beneath it was damaged. Because of this, the observatory will not continue to receive visits on Fridays and Saturdays, the Mosor Star Village Facebook page announced.

Photojournalist Matko Begovic visited Biokovo on Wednesday, where he made it to Sv. Jure, just about a hundred meters from the top. 

A little lower, on the platform that will one day be the glass skywalk, the bura howled. 

The boats rocked in the nearby Baska Voda.

Not even buildings could withstand the bura's force. Namely, Dalmacija Danas reported that the Tugare Community House in Srednje Poljice saw a lot of destruction, as parts of its roof 3 meters wide flew through the sky.

And it wouldn't be bura if it didn't come with a bit of fun. Like this trash bin flying through the busy streets, on its way to find work in Ireland...

To read more about lifestyle in Croatia, follow TCN's dedicated page.

Thursday, 6 February 2020

House in Dalmatia Flying German Flag Becomes Hit on Facebook...

A picture of a house in Dalmatia, surrounded by mountains and the threatening grey skies of winter becomes a hit on Facebook, thanks to the trusty old German flag.

If you're anything like me, then you're a (not so secret) lover of memes. Croatian memes can get quite dark, given the often murky waters that a lot of the country's political events are staged in, but once you reach a certain level of desensitisation, you can crack a grin at most of them.

Not all of them are politically based, which is a first indeed for a country that asks you what ties you have to any political party when merely opening a current account, and one page in particular is a hit across the country.

The extremely popular Facebook page Dnevna doza prosjecnog Dalmatinca (A daily dose of the average Dalmatian) is a usually light hearted take on the funny and often odd activities undertaken in Dalmatia. From innovative ways to dry out the famous prosciutto from Drnis to giant inflatable flamingos precariously tied to cars travelling down motorways - this Facebook page covers it all.

Recently, a photo of a house in Dalmatia appeared on the page. This house in Dalmatia was nothing outstanding, quite the opposite in fact. But the sight of the Croatian flag flying alongside the German flag drew in some interesting and funny comments from social media users.

As Poslovni Dnevnik writes on the 6th of February, 2020, the house in Dalmatia, more specifically a photo from Kastela, speaks volumes with its flying of the German flag, a flag which many Croats worship.

Germany has been a top destination for Croatian citizens looking to earn as much as they can for their retirement for many years now, and that trend has been exacerbated ever since Croatia joined the European Union back in July 2013, seeing Germany's restrictions on its labour market drop for Croatian citizens and the borders open.

This photo of a house in Dalmatia, more precisely in Kastela, has drawn numerous humorous comments from Facebook users that the person who built the house must have made the money for it in Germany.

"You can see where the money for the roof was raised", "If the origin is known, why wouldn't our politicians put their party's flag on it", "So people know where the euros are from" are just a few of the tongue-in-cheek comments written under the amusing photo.

Follow our lifestyle page for more.

Thursday, 23 January 2020

Dalmatia Getting New Sports-Congress Centre Worth 3 Million Euros

When it comes to investments in Croatia, the vast majority of positive (alright, semi positive) stories regard investments in tourism, be they from domestic or foreign investors, but it isn't just regular old tourism in the sense of holiday makers and other leisure travellers that Croatia, and particularly Dalmatia, needs to place its focus on.

With the current attempt to break free of the classic ''sunshine and sea'' tourism that Croatia, like many other Mediterranean countries has managed to box itself into and extend the tourist season with the idea of a 365 Croatia, the country needs all the help it can get to encourage active, eno, gastro, and sustainable tourism.

That isn't all, though, congress tourism is on the rise in Croatia, and Dalmatia's stunning rugged coastline and top quality hotels provide excellent venues for congresses and sports meet ups of all kinds, from the business world right through to the sporting world.

As Poslovni Dnevnik/Marija Crnjak writes on the 23rd of January, 2020, new investments in the Punta Skala sports centre in the amount of fifteen million euros are planned for next year.

The Fortis club, a new convention/congress and sports centre which boasts a 470-person congress hall and a well equipped fitness centre, is set to open its doors in May this year at the Falkensteiner Punta Skala Resort. with a total investment of around three million euros.

"With an outdoor sports centre with seven tennis courts and mini-golf, football, basketball, volleyball, badminton and two beach volleyball courts, the new centre also brings with it a new dimension to the MICE business, organising various events, sports conventions, team-building or socialising for our partners and clients,'' said Georg Unterkircher, general manager of the resort.

Make sure to follow our dedicated travel and business pages for much more on tourism of all types in Dalmatia and indeed in the rest of the country.

Wednesday, 22 January 2020

Dalmatia Town Opens Migrant Donation Center: Vrgovac, Croatia

The Mayor of Vrgorac, located in the Dalmatia hinterland, who is urging citizens to donate unwanted reusable items, including clothing and footwear, to migrants. The town has made public space available to the Red Cross to receive and store donations.

Vrgorac Mayor Ante Pranić is urging all citizens not to throw away reusable furniture, clothing and footwear that they no longer need but to donate reusable items to migrants, according to Dalmacija Danas on January 21, 2020.

“I am asking citizens to reconsider throwing away clothing and footwear as well as reusable furniture. Namely, in cooperation with the Red Cross, we have agreed on another project to help the needy. I have signed a contract worth 49,287.94 HRK (6625 EUR), which deals with the reuse of empty office space that we have finally registered under city ownership after 20 years. We are allocating that office space to the Red Cross to use as a warehouse where citizens will be able to donate clothing and reusable furniture. We want to help the needy particularly with providing clothing and footwear. We are in a border area and there are often situations where we can help migrants who are in contact with MUP (Croatian Police). Our small reuse center is expected to open on March 1. I am looking forward to it,” said Pranić in a statement on Facebook.


Vrgorac is a town in Croatia located in Split-Dalmatia County, about 50km from Metković, near the border of Bosnia. According to the 2011 census report, the town has 6,572 inhabitants, the majority of whom are Croatian. Most Vrgorac residents are involved in agriculture, which includes growing and harvesting berries, grapes and various fruit trees. Craft-related industries have recently reemerged and are contributing to the local economy as well. 

As Lauren Simmonds/Total Croatia News reported on January 20, 2020; Mayor Pranić recently prohibited the use of plastic packaging in Vrgorac’s official institutions and various events held throughout the year, stating that they should be replaced by glass and much more environmentally friendly, biodegradable paper packaging.

Follow our Politics page and Lifestyle page to stay updated on community-based donation efforts. For more information on Vrgorac, check out their excellent website (in Croatian) and their bilingual town guide here.

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