25 percent of Croatian Electric Company (HEP) will be offered through the initial public offering.
The European Commission will green-light the largest grant amount for the e-Mobility project by NEXT-E.
ZelEn is derived from the words “Zelena Energija”, or green energy.
ZSE hopes that the privatization could revive the Croatian stock market.
While almost everybody agrees with government’s plans to buy back MOL’s share of INA, the plan that the buyback should be financed by selling 25 percent of HEP is losing support.
Deputy Prime Minister Martina Dalić is heading the government’s efforts to buy back MOL’s share in INA, but at the same time her husband is member of INA’s board of directors.
It seems that most people do not trust government’s claims about supposed national interest.
After government announced plans to partially privatize HEP, everybody would like to get a piece of it, preferably for free.
SDP says that it is unacceptable to partially privatize Croatian Electric Company (HEP) in order to renationalize oil company INA.
According to media reports, government could sell 25 percent of Croatian Electrical Company (HEP) in order to buy back MOL’s share in INA.