Tuesday, 3 November 2020

Adria Business Network #12 Tackles Tourism in New Age, Challenges and Visions for 2021

November 3, 2020 - Adria Business Network #12, organized by successful entrepreneurs Željka Barišić, owner of Forca Digital Agency, and Kristina Krstinić, owner of MIKRIS Project Management, will be held on November 17, 2020, at 6 pm at the FORUM Zagreb Congress Center, Radnička cesta 50, 1st floor.

In the first part of the event, the guest is Jako Andabak, owner of the largest hotel chain in Central Dalmatia Bluesun Hotels & Resorts, which consists of 11 hotels, 4 resorts, and 1 camp where he combines many years of experience and tourist traditions of Brela, Tucepi, Bol, Supetar and Starigrad Paklenica innovation, with new technology and implementation of international standards.

His professional path has been marked by efficiency, determination, and clarity in making decisions that are always based on knowledge, innovation, and a healthy dose of risk. Simultaneously, in addition to extremely responsible work, he was engaged in scientific work and won awards for numerous innovations.

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Through his business career, he shows that he is the one who, guided by unmistakable intuition and exceptional life and business experience - creates new standards in entrepreneurship. 

The second part of the event is followed by a personal presentation of all those present through a one-minute pitch.

Finally, in an informal gathering with quality sponsor wines, everyone present will have the opportunity to share experiences with other participants.

The number of spots is limited, and you can secure your place on time by registering HERE.

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The diamond partner of the event is A1. Silver sponsors are FINA and ManpowerGroup. The event sponsors are the Bagatin Polyclinic, the FORUM Zagreb Congress Center, and Kreativ info.
Partners are Vladimir Abicic Photography, Aero Print, Kupinovo vino - Kupilek and Valenta wines.

The event's media partners are the magazine and portal Poduzetnik, magazine and portal Zaposlena, Netokracija, She.hr, Zagrebonline.hr, Rep.hr, Glas Istre, Flash.hr, Moja Domovina, Total Croatia News, Fama, ZgExpress, and Radio 92 FM.

To read more about business in Croatia, follow TCN's dedicated page.

Wednesday, 11 May 2016

A Few Years Ago the State Couldn't Give them Away, Now they're Leaders in Croatian Medical Tourism

Bizovačke toplice are experiencing a complete revival with the refurbishment of Termia hotel and the expansion of the existing Aqua Park.
