First estimates state 70 percent of the crop has been lost in Čara, even worse in Blato and especially Smokvica, where the frost has seemingly destroyed everything.
“Mouthful of Islands”, a fair dedicated to island products, will be held during the month of April in Split.
It has made The Times list of the coolest hotels in Croatia for the last two years. TCN chats to Jan Albers, the general manager of Tara's Lodge on the island of Korcula on February 19, 2017, to learn more about the hotel and the magic of one of Croatia's true island gems.
Recognition for the southern Dalmatian island as Korcula Town finds itself on Conde Nast Traveler's list of the most romantic small towns in Europe.
A reminder of the potential devastation caused by forest fires in Croatia - a great video of the brave Canadair in action on Korcula in 2015, uploaded to YouTube on February 4, 2017.
Summer must be around the corner, as the international column inches about Croatia's gorgeous islands are increasing. The latest, from The Daily Telegraph on January 10, 2017.
Continuing our look at the 47 inhabited islands of Croatia on January 9, 2017, Lauren Simmonds visits one of the 'big boys' - Marco Polo's Korcula.