Friday, 27 April 2018

NGOs Warns about Non-Prosecution of War Crimes against Serbs

ZAGREB, April 27, 2018 - The Documenta non-governmental organisation and the Serb National Council (SNV) warned on Friday that war crimes committed during and after the Croatian army's Operation Flash in 1995 were not being prosecuted, crimes against Serbs were not treated as war crimes, and prison sentences were lenient. They demanded that the rights of civilian casualties of war and their relatives be recognised.

Thursday, 19 April 2018

Leader of Serbs in Croatia Comments on Šešelj Incident

ZAGREB, April 19, 2018 - The president pf the Independent Democratic Serb Party (SDSS) Milorad Pupovac, who was a member of Croatia's parliamentary delegation which abruptly ended their visit to Belgrade following an incident caused by convicted war criminal Vojislav Šešelj, said the incident harmed the visit, Croatia-Serbia relations and Serbia.

Sunday, 8 April 2018

Serbian Minority Leader Calls for End to War Rhetoric

ZAGREB, April 8, 2018 - Serb National Council president Milorad Pupovac extended his best wishes to the Christian Orthodox faithful for Easter on Sunday, stressing the importance of peace in building a good life.

Friday, 23 March 2018

MPs Receiving Threats for Supporting Istanbul Convention

ZAGREB, March 23, 2018 - Member of Parliament Milorad Pupovac of the Independent Democratic Serb Party (SDSS) said in the parliament on Friday that a part of MPs were exposed to pressures and threats due to their position on the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence (Istanbul Convention).

Saturday, 10 March 2018

Serbian Minority Leader Wants Government to Stand Up to Extremism

ZAGREB, March 10, 2018 - The president of the Independent Democratic Serb Party (SDSS) and a key member of the ruling coalition Milorad Pupovac said on Saturday that Croatia did not make enough effort to fight issues that were slowing down the society, such as retrograde ideological incidents, denial of civil rights and freedoms and clerical and nationalistic understanding of society.

Tuesday, 6 March 2018

Ruling Coalition Leaders Meet with Prime Minister

ZAGREB, March 6, 2018 - Representatives of the parties comprising the ruling majority said on Monday, after their regular meeting with Prime Minister Andrej Plenković, which lasted more than four hours, that they discussed current issues and that new Agrokor emergency administrator Fabris Peruško briefed them about the situation at the heavily-indebted food conglomerate, stressing that there was no mention of the opposition’s initiative for a non-confidence vote in Economy Minister Martina Dalić.

Tuesday, 20 February 2018

Serbian Minority Leader Criticises Status of Serbs in Croatia

ZAGREB, February 20, 2018 - Croatian Serb leader Milorad Pupovac has said that the status of ethnic Serbs in Croatia has deteriorated over the recent years, and that the most drastic deterioration happened when Tomislav Karamarko was at the helm of the Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ), transforming that mainstream party into a party promoting extreme right policies.

Monday, 19 February 2018

Declaration on Rights of Serbs in Croatia Published

ZAGREB, February 19, 2018 - The Serb National Council (SNV) has released a document called the Declaration on the Rights of Serbs in Croatia, which notes that, over the past five years, the status of the Serb community in Croatia has not improved but has actually deteriorated in many ways and identifies 13 tasks in the fight for rights that are yet to be acquired and in the protection of those that have been acquired. The declaration was adopted at the SNV's third assembly held in Zagreb last week.

Friday, 2 February 2018

Serbian National Minority Leader Hopeful about Vučić’s Visit

ZAGREB, February 2, 2018 - Milorad Pupovac, a member of the Croatian Parliament from the Independent Democratic Serb Party (SDSS), said on Thursday that it was important that protocols on good communication and on dealing with outstanding issues be agreed during Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić's visit to Croatia, while symbolic gestures such as apologies were less important.

Saturday, 16 September 2017

Rules for National Minorities MPs Election to Be Changed?

The proposed referendum is sure to cause turmoil in Croatian politics.

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