Hvar's most popular festival, the Puhijada, will take place once more from August 5 to August 10, 2019, as the village of Dol celebrates its traditions, including its gourmet treat, the edible dormouse.
Yes, I didn't quite believe it either. An edible dormouse festival?!?
I first heard about the Puhijada dormouse festival in Dol while researching for my first Hvar guidebook way back in 2011. Dormouse, or 'Puh', I learned was only hunted in three places in Croatia - Dol on Hvar and Dol on Brac, where they put the dormice on the grill, and up in Gorski Kotar, where the local delicacy was dormouse stew.
I knew I had to go.
The sale of dormice is actually quite limited on the final evening of the festival, when up to 4,000 people come - making it the biggest party on Hvar is most years. And you can't buy your puh with kuna, euro or credit cards. The superpuh is the only currency, and it has remained stable against the kuna for years now. The exchange rate is 5 kuna to 1 superpuh. 7 superpuhs will get you a dormouse in a bun - see above.
This is how they look on the grill. As for the taste, they are delicious but a little fiddly, and if you are looking for a main meal, you will need about five. You can order them in certain restaurants on Hvar - Me and mrs jones in Jelsa is one great place - but you have to order 48 hours in advance.
The main party will be on Saturday August 10, with headline act GUSTAFI providing the entertainment. But the festival, organised by local NGO Tartajun, is a celebration of the culture of the village in all its aspects, as you can see from this Hvar TV report a few years ago.
There are plenty of fun things for the kids, a week-long balote tournament, wine tasting, a bike race, kids workshops, art exhibitions and more. The full programme is below in Croatian (Google Translate if your friend). If I get a copy in English, I will add.
Puhijada- festival gastronomije, kulture, sporta i zabave
“Puhijada”- the Dol Dormice festival
Dol, 5.-10.kolovoza, 2019.
Predvečer - turnir u balotama „ Dol open“
21:00 h Otvaranje izložbe „Škola kroz prošlost kao temelj za budućnost“
(crkva sv. Ane)
Predvečer - turnir u balotama „ Dol open“
21:00 h - Dječja predstava BONTON ili Kako pristojno provesti dan u izvedbi Kristijana Ugrine Kikija
- Prikazivanje dječjih filmova Udruge mali grad FAROS
(Dol u strani sv. Marije – Crkva bl. Gospe)
Predvečer - turnir u balotama „Dol open“
18:30 h - Utrka trokolicama
- Biciklistički poligon za djecu u suradnji sa B. K. Hvar Life ;
dvije kategorije: mlađa skupina (do 10 godina) i starija
skupina (od 10 godina)
(Igralište kod sv. Ane)
Predvečer - turnir u balotama „ Dol open"
21:00 h - Predavanje "Putopisni best off" i kratko predstavljanje
fotomonografije „Putopisne fotografije 2014.-2019.“ autora
Jurice Galić Juke, nezavisnog dokumentarnog fotografa -
(Dol u strani sv. Marije – Dom kulture Vir)
9.8. PETAK
17:30 h Radionica stripa za djecu i mlade
(Dol u strani sv. Marije – Dom kulture Vir)
18:00 h Završnica turnira u balotama "Dol open"
21:00 h Finale turnira u balotama i zabavna večer uz DJ-a
(igralište kod sv. Ane)
18:30 h - Nastup klauna Bumba i klauna Šarenka
- Puh free climbing
21:00 h - Prezentacija 15. broja lista "Tartajun"
- Nastup klape Faroski kantaduri
22:00 h - Nastup grupe Dreamers band - Split
24:00 h - Nastup grupe GUSTAFI
(Igralište kod sv. Ane)
* 1.-10.8. - turnir u balotama „ Dol open“
* Za vrijeme trajanja festivala za sve posjetitelje biti će otvorena galerija Artworks-faros u zgradi Čitovnice.
July 30, 2018 - Looking for a gourmet feast with a difference? Head to the village of Dol on Hvar.
One of Croatia's more unusual festivals takes place in the village of Dol on the island of Hvar, starting on August 7, 2017. How do you like your dormouse?