The shipyard from Split is taking part in international military and defence industry fair in Abu Dhabi.
The flavors of the world can be found in Split much easier than you think…
Amidst all of the carbs, cheeses, and smoked meats, Split actually has a wonderful health food offer in many locations throughout the city. We're giving you some of our favorites.
Ilija Sundov, a 33-year-old resident of Split, is up to something very cool….
Will there be such a thing as tourism without the bike?
Carnival has officially begun in Split!
After a week of sunshine and (almost) t-shirt weather, Split was hit hard over the night and through the morning with rain, thunder, and lightning. While the rain finally stopped around 9am this morning, a cold wind picked up which left the normal weekend Riva coffee-goers indoors.
HGK ŽK Split: A great interest was shown for the 3rd Regional Forum for Family Accommodation in Split-Dalmatia County.
Carnival in Split will open on Pjaca tomorrow at 11am.
It's that time again....Here are many of the events going on in Split this Friday, February 17, 2017.