As the demographic crisis bites, many tourist oriented businesses have been forced to go to great lengths to secure staff for the summer season.
When the summer sun strikes Zagreb, just how does the Purger mindset alter?
Could the recovery of tourism in countries like Turkey threaten to take the wind out of Croatia's wings?
Photography and nostalgia along the coast as the ninth ''Friends of the Sea'' (Prijatelji mora) exhibition takes to Mali Lošinj.
There are some black stories around when it comes to the state of things workwise in Croatia, but for some, everything's dandy...
Rather unwelcome news for most, but will it happen?
It's Thursday, June 8th and the summer season is well on its way.
There is much more to it than one could guess by watching “Baywatch”, it is a tough course, designed to train lifeguards to tackle even the most demanding tasks.