To the islands and to the future, what can we expect from Uber Croatia?
Uber claims that the taxi driver's behavior today poses a threat to the citizens, tourists and infrastructure of the city.
The long-awaited and much anticipated UberBOAT is finally launched in Croatia!
This Valentine’s Day Uber has decided to surprise their customers with something extra sweet - pancakes!
A new and completely legal taxi service will soon take the streets of Split - could Go Green Taxi be in operation early next year?
There are many wonderful things about the holiday season, and Uber has enriched the holidays with UberGIVING, an initiative to give to those in need within the four Croatian cities where Uber exists.
That taxi transportation is a revived market in the city of Split is even further confirmed by the establishment of a new taxi group called “Zeleni taksi Splita” (Green Taxi Split), whose members could soon be driving the streets of Split.
And the hits from Split mayor Ivo Baldasar just keep on coming.