Saturday, 18 March 2023

Zagreb Police Learning English for Smooth Communication with Tourists

March 18, 2023 - On Friday, the Zagreb police, in cooperation with the city's tourist board, presented an English language manual, as part of a project aimed at improving foreign languages and knowledge of the city of police officers who encounter tourists in their work.

As 24Sata writes, the project aims to improve foreign language competency related to police work, but also to the city of Zagreb and its historical, cultural sights, gastronomic offer, traffic and general information, so that the police officers can communicate with foreign tourists and help them feel good in Croatia's capital.

The project has been carried out continuously since 2018 as a form of partnership between the Police Administration and the Tourist Board of the City of Zagreb, with previous successful partnerships for the "Advent" and "Safe Tourist Destination" projects, in which Croatian police officers conducted joint police patrols with foreign colleagues.

The final product of the project is a manual that was presented on Friday, called "Excuse me, officer, how do I get to St. Mark's square?", signed by Dora Fila Petković and Patrick Burton.

"This project is a true model of successful and fruitful cooperation for the benefit of the citizens and visitors of Zagreb, but at the same time an example of good practice and partnership between the police and the tourism sector for other cities that can apply this proven model in their area as well", said the State Secretary at the Ministry of the Interior affairs, Irena Petrijevčanin.

The State Secretary of the Ministry of Tourism and Sports Josip Pavić, congratulating all participants and attendees of the course, emphasized that it is a commendable project that will increase the sense of security for tourists in Croatia and provide added value to tourism in the country.

"We see on the ground that the relationship, communication and coordination with tourists by the officers of the Zagreb Police Department is at an enviable level and we hope that this project will be recognized by other counties as well2, said the director of the Tourist Board of the City of Zagreb, Martina Bienenfeld.

Cooperation between the Zagreb police and the tourist board will continue in the coming period with the implementation of new courses in English, with a German course and the creation of a manual for that language following.

For more, make sure to check out our dedicated News section.

Monday, 6 March 2023

MUP Petrinjska Announces Change of Location for Foreigners' Issues

March the 6th, 2023 - An important change has been announced for people needing certain services at MUP Petrinjska, and it involves foreign citizens needing administrative tasks completed. Certain things will be now done at a different location as of today.

As Poslovni Dnevnik writes, as of today (Monday, the 6th of March, 2023), MUP Petrinjska is changing the way it does things. The police administration will carry out most of the work it does for foreign citizens within the Zagreb Police Department (PU Zagrebacka) at a new location: Remetinecki gaj 13 in Novi Zagreb, while biometric ID cards for foreign nationals with lawful residence in Croatia can only be requested and collected at the old MUP Petrinjska address near the very heart of the city centre: Petrinjska 30.

People can submit their requests for the creation and pickup of biometric ID cards for foreign citizens only at Petrinjska 30, on the first floor (hall) on weekdays from 07:00 to 15:00.

From Monday, March the 6th, 2023, other administrative tasks related to the regulation of the status of foreigners (such as the service for citizenship and status issues of foreigners) will be carried out at the aforementioned new location in Novi Zagreb, Remetinecki gaj 13, on weekdays from 08:00 to 14:00, Zagreb police announced.

So, in short:

Foreign nationals who only need to request or come and pick up their Croatian ID cards can continue to do so at the old MUP Petrinjska address (Petrinjska 30) between 07:00 and 15:00 every week day on the first floor.

Foreign nationals who have questions relating to their status in Croatia, are applying for Croatian citizenship, require information or have more complex issues to deal with must go to the aforementioned new address in Novi Zagreb (Remetinicki gaj 13) between 08:00 and 14:00 every week day.

For more, make sure to check out our dedicated news section.

Thursday, 20 October 2022

Five False Bomb Threats in Zagreb Reported Today

October 20, 2022 - The Croatian media received false bomb threats today, in which the perpetrators claimed to have placed 22 bombs in five different locations in the city of Zagreb.

The five locations were the Zagreb Airport, where they claimed to have deposited 12 explosive devices, two were supposedly left at the police station in Bauerova street and one in the police station in Grgura Ninskog street, and several were placed in two different McDonalds restaurants in the city.

HRT reported from the Zagreb airport, where they have arrived within the hour of the receipt of the threatening email, and they claimed that there was no disruption to the services at the airport, and that the planes were arriving and departing on time.

The Zagreb Police Department issued a statement saying that they have conducted thorough searches supported by the explosive-detecting dogs, and found no signs of explosive devices. The last location that was checked was the police station in Bauerova street.

Some of the Croatian media bring detailed accounts of the threatening email they've received around 4 pm, including The email was signed by the moniker "Strelkov's and Limonov's Army", and mentions potential revenge for "nazi butchers from Azov, crimes performed by the Black Legion, Jasenovac, Devil's Brigade and their actions in Stalingrad and crimes during the Operation Storm". The threat also mentions Putin, and calls for "death to the EU, death to NATO, death to nazis".

Reportedly, the media in Novi Sad, Serbia, received a similar threatening email today - theirs warned of 22 devices in 9 locations, was signed by the same name and gave a different motivation for the attack. It turns out that these were also false bomb threats, as reported by Serbian media.

Monday, 20 June 2022

Zagreb Police Say Bomb Threat in Three Shopping Malls a Hoax

ZAGREB, 20 June 2022 - Zagreb police said on Sunday evening that a report about explosive devices having been planted in three city malls, received earlier in the day, was false.

Police received the report about bombs having been planted in Arena Center and Avenue Mall in Novi Zagreb and in a shopping mall in the city's Škorpikova Street, around 6 pm on Sunday, after which the malls were evacuated and bomb searches were conducted.

An investigation into the latest bomb hoax is underway, police said.

For more news about Croatia, click here.

Sunday, 12 June 2022

Zagreb Police Checking Reports About Bombs in Shopping Malls

ZAGREB, 12 June 2022 - Zagreb police on Sunday morning received several reports about bombs having been planted in a number of shopping malls in the capital.

Police are on the ground, conducting activities to check the veracity of the reports and taking care of citizens' security, police said.

Bomb sweeps are being conducted at the City Center One East and Garden Mall in the neighbourhood of Dubrava and at the Family Mall in the neighbourhood of Jankomir.

The police said there was no need to panic.

For more, make sure to check out our dedicated lifestyle section.

Friday, 11 March 2022

Explosion in Zagreb: The Hole, the Plane, the Parachutes...

March the 11th, 2022 - An explosion in Zagreb could be heard last night at 23:00, and a very strange situation has unfolded since then, with an impact hole, parts of a plane and parachutes discovered. All aviation services claim to not have ''lost'' any aircraft. Here's the situation as we currently understand it, with the latest information first.

As Jutarnji/Tomislav Kukek/Anamaria Hanzek writes, the Zagreb police have also now spoken out about the incident near Jarun:

''On March the 10th, 2022, just after 23:00, the Zagreb Police Administration received several reports from people that they felt a detonation in the wider area of ​​Jarun, which was preceded by the falling of something from the air.

Police patrols were urgently sent to the locations of the report and found a crater on the green area at the address Jarunska bb, while they found two parachutes in the wider area, for which we'd also previously received reports from people. Police officers dealt with both the narrower and wider area of ​​the scene where the investigation is being conducted, with the participation of all relevant services. So far, the police have had no reports of any injuries in the wider area of ​​the scene, though several parked vehicles were damaged.

Out in the field, police teams specialised in dealing with and reacting to this type of event are present, and at the moment there is no reason for people to be alarmed. We'd like to call on the media to responsibly report to the public and present verified information obtained from the relevant services, in order to prevent the spread of misinformation.

We're urging people not to share videos or photos from the scene on social media. If you find yourself in the area of ​​police action, please follow the instructions of the police officers. The police will continuously publish information that has been factually confirmed,'' the police said in a statement.

Here is a timeline of the events surrounding the bizarre explosion in Zagreb, from latest to first:

2.33 -The level of radiation was measured on the spot but no increase was found.

2.23 - Unofficially, it came out that a red star and a Russian cyrillic alphabet could allegedly be seen on parts of the plane. That information has not been confirmed by the police, but it was widely talked about during the investigation.

2.11 - The police cordoned off a vast area around Jarun, no one is allowed to approach it, and special police are on the scene.

1.47 - It was unofficially confirmed that the parts found around the dormitory definitely came from an aircraft, but it is still unknown what exactly happened.

1.35 - Firefighters slowly withdrew from the scene, being replaced by members of the military police.

1.25 - After two hours, the police expanded the area of investigation to the area surrounding the Stjepan Radic dorms. Firefighters removed a large parachute from a tree, and another parachute was also discovered nearby.

1.20 - Military and civil aviation agencies said that they had not ''lost'' any planes.

At around 23:00, a powerful explosion in Zagreb could be felt and heart near the student dormitory (studentski dom), which alarmed the residents of the surrounding buildings. The Emergency Situations Office immediately set off for the scene, and according to the first information from eyewitnesses and officials, it seemed that this is some kind of aircraft had fallen to the ground. Firefighters also received a report of a parachute found on a tree.

Police and firefighters were on the scene and immediately fenced off the area around a large hole made in the asphalt. The road leading to Jarun and the car park were full of debris and asphalt, and there were also damaged cars.

''We didn't see anything, but it was loud. Luckily, no one was passing by at the time. What a horror, I don't know how we're going to sleep tonight,'' said some students.

According to some, the explosion in Zagreb was heard as far away as Tresnjevka. They also claimed that something fell from the sky only 30 metres from one of the pavilions of the Stjepan Radic dorms.

A security guard who was working nearby during the incident said that he didn't see anything, but that the explosion was loud.

''It's still ringing in my ears,'' he said.

We'll bring you more information as we get it.

For more, check our news section.

Saturday, 6 February 2021

Zagreb Police Release Video of Raid in Restaurant, 34 People Were Present

February the 6th, 2021 - Zagreb police have had their hands full of late trying to make sure measures preventing the work of gyms, cafes, restaurants and other such facilities deemed ''risky'' by the epidemiological profession aren't broken. They recently released footage of their raid on a Zagreb restaurant which was working illegally in which 34 people were present.

As Poslovni Dnevnik writes, during this action undertaken by the Zagreb police, a total of 34 people were found, identified and checked in the aforementioned Zagreb restaurant which was open illegally.

There was no use of coercive measures in the conduct of the police officers and eight persons were found without

wearing protective masks, for which reason the police officers issued them four Notices of Misdemeanor and four fines were issued for the misdemeanor referred to in Article 47, paragraph 2, item 9 of the Law on Protection of the Population from Infectious Diseases.

In addition, officials of the Directorate of Civil Protection (commonly referred to as the National Civil Protection Headquarters) found violations of Croatia's curren epidemiological measures contrary to the Decision on necessary epidemiological measures restricting gatherings to prevent the transmission of COVID-19.

Due to performing catering and hospitality activities contrary to the decisions of the Civil Protection Headquarters of the Republic of Croatia, officials of the State Inspectorate, Tourist Inspection, Zagreb Regional Office found a violation of Article 9-A of the Catering Act and issued an oral decision banning the restaurant's work - again.

The part of the premises where the currently illicit activity of serving food and beverages was performed and recorded by the Zagreb police was sealed off for a minimum of thirty days, and misdemeanor proceedings will be initiated against the legal and responsible person.

After the raid by the Zagreb police was over, as part of the criminal investigation, the restaurant's 32-year-old director, as the responsible person, was brought to the official premises of the Zagreb Police Administration for criminal investigation on suspicion of committing the criminal offense of "Spreading and Transmitting Infectious Diseases" and after the completion of the criminal investigation, he will be handed over to a custody supervisor.

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Tuesday, 13 October 2020

PHOTOS: Before & After - How HNK Afterhours Lost Its Cool

ZAGREB October 13, 2020 – Since early June 2020, the Croatian National Theatre Zagreb has served as a nightly meeting point for the city's youths. In these pictures and video we see the incredible youth phenomenon as it once was and also how HNK afterhours lost its cool

Built in 1895, the Croatian National Theatre Zagreb (HNK Zagreb) is one of the finest pieces of architecture in a city not short on fine Austro-Hungarian buildings. Sitting in the middle of Republic of Croatia Square, it is the focal point of Lower Town. A multi-purpose space, it has world-class opera and ballet companies in-house.

image (1).jpg© David Bakarić

This week, several media outlets have reported on the gathering of youths outside the theatre, especially on weekend nights. While an interesting read, including the thoughts of a sociologist, these stories are a bit out of date. Because the truth is, the party is over - HNK afterhours lost its cool many weeks ago.


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© Marc Rowlands

In early June, when the three-month Coronavirus lockdown finally ended, HNK Zagreb became the de facto meeting point for Zagreb youth. It all happened rather spontaneously. There were no advertisements. Word spread from peer-to-peer and young people from as far away as Rijeka, Ivanic-grad and Zabok made the journey to take part in the youth culture phenomenon.

image (2).jpg© David Bakarić

image (7).jpg© Marc Rowlands

It was a joyful scene - thousands of people from every youth tribe imaginable; punk and metal fans, sports students, classical musicians, football fans, young patriots, LGBT teens, devout Christians and kids who would usually go to the cajke (folk music) club sat side-by-side. It was good-natured. Everyone was glad to be out of the house and be able to meet their peers. Everyone got along.

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image (6).jpg© David Bakarić

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Impromptu theatre performances and music concerts took place. Soundsystems were set up. There was laughter, music, dancing and all round good cheer.

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image (10).jpg© David Bakarić

'We are extremely happy and positive that our theatre has been recognized as a place of gathering and sharing positive vibrations between generations,' an official from the Croatian National Theatre Zagreb told this journalist when approached to comment on HNK afterhours. 'Ever since 2014, our hope was to create a warm and welcoming feeling here for everybody, for all age groups and different audiences; to make theatre alive outside the building walls.'

image9.jpegResponsible young partygoers cleaned up after themselves in early June. Those cool kids have long since disappeared from HNK afterhours © David Bakarić



HNK afterhours lost its cool many weeks ago. Becoming an expected rather than a spontaneous gathering was perhaps its death knell. That, and the fact that although everyone knew hundreds were gathering there, no provisions were made for these socialising young people. With no other option on Republic of Croatia Square, the bushes and gardens around the theatre became their toilets.




It was instantly noticeable when HNK afterhours lost its cool - all of the cool kids just stopped coming. What was once a representation of all the city's youth tribes dwindled to a hardcore few hundred of late-night drinkers with nothing better to do and no place else to go. The theatre and most of the music stopped.




Then the violence, graffiti and vandalism began. The excessive drinking was one major sign of youth insecurity – people not entirely comfortable with themselves within large groups got drunk to ease their discomfort. Then, they threw up in the bushes. But the violence and graffiti were greater signs of insecurity and immaturity.




Like dogs urinating on street corners to mark their territory, mindless graffiti 'tags' appeared all over the Croatian National Theatre Zagreb – its steps, its windows, its antique doors. In an effort to leave a permanent mark, the insignificant few seemed determined to destroy everything that had once been joyful and good-natured about this gathering.

Zagreb police intervene when one drunken male started to physically abuse some of his peers. Present at the scene, this journalist commented to a friend that the police had acted bravely. The peer commented that the police had looked scared. They were surrounded by hundreds of spectators to the violence.

You can now guarantee there will be some violence outside the theatre on every weekend night. Zagreb police, who have shown remarkable patience and restraint throughout the whole phenomenon, sit far from the crowd and let the youngsters party. However, Zagreb Police Administration have said that from May 1 to September 30, the police intervened around the Croatian National Theatre Zagreb about 50 times, based on allegations of possible disturbance of public order and peace. In an effort to perhaps try and understand the frustrations of youths at this time, they have filed misdemeanor charges against only six people. This, despite a small, insecure and immature male section of the crowds flexing their muscles against smaller peers – or the police themselves – on a nightly basis. A small cabal of latecomers are ruining the reputation of a youth culture movement which deserves to be much better remembered.

121554186_337487367535021_1901937487742305067_n.jpg121528825_822783415210126_2612493705426715970_n.jpgA young man shows the marks around both eyes that he received in an unprovoked attack at HNK afterhours on the weekend of 9 October 2020

When you're young, it can be difficult to hear that the party is over. After you've had such a good time, you don't want to go home. You want the good times to last forever. But, this party is well and truly finished. HNK afterhours lost its cool many, many weeks ago. It is a rather sad remnant of something that was beautiful while it lasted. But, now it is time for the party to move elsewhere or for the attendees to go home. This beautiful building, its grounds and surrounding residents have played host for long enough. They each deserve a break.

The use of uncredited photographs in this article was granted on condition that the submitting photographers remain anonymous

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Wednesday, 5 February 2020

Zagreb Police Announce Road Safety Action: Emphasis Placed on 4 Things

As Poslovni Dnevnik writes on the 4th of February, 2020, the Zagreb Police Department has announced that with regard to two fatalities which occurred in traffic accidents this weekend in the area for which the Zagreb Police Department is responsible, enforcement will be stepped up.

In Samobor, a 20-year-old driver was tragically killed on the road, and in Zagreb, more precisely on Jadranska avenija (Adriatic avenue) a motorcyclist was killed. As such, the Zagreb Police Department have readily announced upcoming repressive measures on the roads.

Accordingly, it has been pointed out that back in 2015, and in particular in 2019, the main quantitative objective of the National Road Safety Program 2011-2020 was reached, according to which, in the period from 2011 to 2020, the number of people killed in road accidents should have been halved when compared to back in 2010.
In 2019, in the area over which the Zagreb Police Department is responsible, a positive trend of increasing road safety continued, which was established in 2018 when 55 people sadly died, and in 2019, 38 people were killed in traffic accidents. While still tragic, the number is much lower.
In almost all traffic accidents involving persons killed, the cause is either breaking the speed limit, which is often directly related to driving with a blood alcohol level which is over the limit, and also the illicit use of mobile phones and other handheld electronic devices by drivers. Not wearing a seabelt tends to exaggerate the consequences of such accidents, as it does with the loss of life incurred.
Furthermore, given the high proportion of pedestrians injured in road traffic accents, it's worth noting that the most common driver errors are once again speeding, while the most common pedestrian errors are the improper crossing of the road by not using the pedestrian crossing or continuing to cross when the ''little green man'' has turned red again.
For this reason, intensive measures will be taken by the Zagreb Police Department in the upcoming period with the aim of increasing the overall road safety situation. The measures will be aimed at reducing the number of misdemeanors that most often lead to traffic accidents with the most serious consequences, ie, to the so-called "four killers on the road'' - alcohol, speed, mobile phone usage and not wearing a seatbelt.

The Zagreb Police Department has noted that alongside the four aforementioned points, they will also be watching closely for any other traffic misdemeanors.

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