
Zagreb Police Announce Road Safety Action: Emphasis Placed on 4 Things

By 5 February 2020

As Poslovni Dnevnik writes on the 4th of February, 2020, the Zagreb Police Department has announced that with regard to two fatalities which occurred in traffic accidents this weekend in the area for which the Zagreb Police Department is responsible, enforcement will be stepped up.

In Samobor, a 20-year-old driver was tragically killed on the road, and in Zagreb, more precisely on Jadranska avenija (Adriatic avenue) a motorcyclist was killed. As such, the Zagreb Police Department have readily announced upcoming repressive measures on the roads.

Accordingly, it has been pointed out that back in 2015, and in particular in 2019, the main quantitative objective of the National Road Safety Program 2011-2020 was reached, according to which, in the period from 2011 to 2020, the number of people killed in road accidents should have been halved when compared to back in 2010.
In 2019, in the area over which the Zagreb Police Department is responsible, a positive trend of increasing road safety continued, which was established in 2018 when 55 people sadly died, and in 2019, 38 people were killed in traffic accidents. While still tragic, the number is much lower.
In almost all traffic accidents involving persons killed, the cause is either breaking the speed limit, which is often directly related to driving with a blood alcohol level which is over the limit, and also the illicit use of mobile phones and other handheld electronic devices by drivers. Not wearing a seabelt tends to exaggerate the consequences of such accidents, as it does with the loss of life incurred.
Furthermore, given the high proportion of pedestrians injured in road traffic accents, it's worth noting that the most common driver errors are once again speeding, while the most common pedestrian errors are the improper crossing of the road by not using the pedestrian crossing or continuing to cross when the ''little green man'' has turned red again.
For this reason, intensive measures will be taken by the Zagreb Police Department in the upcoming period with the aim of increasing the overall road safety situation. The measures will be aimed at reducing the number of misdemeanors that most often lead to traffic accidents with the most serious consequences, ie, to the so-called "four killers on the road'' - alcohol, speed, mobile phone usage and not wearing a seatbelt.

The Zagreb Police Department has noted that alongside the four aforementioned points, they will also be watching closely for any other traffic misdemeanors.

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