October 20, 2022 - The Croatian media received false bomb threats today, in which the perpetrators claimed to have placed 22 bombs in five different locations in the city of Zagreb.
The five locations were the Zagreb Airport, where they claimed to have deposited 12 explosive devices, two were supposedly left at the police station in Bauerova street and one in the police station in Grgura Ninskog street, and several were placed in two different McDonalds restaurants in the city.
HRT reported from the Zagreb airport, where they have arrived within the hour of the receipt of the threatening email, and they claimed that there was no disruption to the services at the airport, and that the planes were arriving and departing on time.
The Zagreb Police Department issued a statement saying that they have conducted thorough searches supported by the explosive-detecting dogs, and found no signs of explosive devices. The last location that was checked was the police station in Bauerova street.
Some of the Croatian media bring detailed accounts of the threatening email they've received around 4 pm, including index.hr. The email was signed by the moniker "Strelkov's and Limonov's Army", and mentions potential revenge for "nazi butchers from Azov, crimes performed by the Black Legion, Jasenovac, Devil's Brigade and their actions in Stalingrad and crimes during the Operation Storm". The threat also mentions Putin, and calls for "death to the EU, death to NATO, death to nazis".
Reportedly, the media in Novi Sad, Serbia, received a similar threatening email today - theirs warned of 22 devices in 9 locations, was signed by the same name and gave a different motivation for the attack. It turns out that these were also false bomb threats, as reported by Serbian media.