Thursday, 3 March 2022

First Telemach Sports Day Held Yesterday in Župa Dubrovačka

March 3, 2022 - Telemach continues to support projects aimed at the well-being of children and young people. By partnering with Plasma Youth Sports Games, the first Telemach Sports Day was held in Župa dubrovačka, where 600 primary school children participated.

As a partner of the largest amateur sports event in Europe, Plasma Youth Sports Games, Telemach continues to promote healthy living habits, striving to encourage children and young people to activities that are the foundation of proper growth and development. Telemach Sports Day, in which children of primary and secondary school age in 25 cities across Croatia will participate in border guard and athletics until mid-June, began with a competition and the first Telemach Sports Day in Župa dubrovačka, while the final event will take place in early summer in Zagreb.


Credit: Carlo Šutalo/Plasma Youth Sports Games

"At Telemach, we are proud to have the opportunity to be part of this commendable event this year as well, which aims to encourage positive changes among children and young people. In addition to many well-known health benefits, sport teaches us patience, perseverance, and the importance of team spirit, but also respect for diversity, tolerance, and inclusion, and in this regard, we want to contribute to the sensitization of young people. We nurture these values ​​in Telemach, so the partnership of this year's Plasma Youth Sports Games is a continuation of a clear focus on activities focused on healthy lifestyles and children as the greatest value of society," said Andrea Salinovic, coordinator for events and sponsorships Telemach Croatia.


Opening of the first Telemach Sports Day in Župa dubrovačka. (Credit: Carlo Šutalo/Plasma Youth Sports Games)

The opening ceremony of the first Telemach Sports Day in Župa dubrovačka started at 9 am, and the youngest citizens were greeted and encouraged by Anton Jurkić, school principal, Jure Marić, head of the unique administrative department of Župa dubrovačka and Tihana Butorac, spokeswoman for Plasma Youth Sports Games.

The sports-educational day gathered more than 600 primary school children from the largest school in the Dubrovnik area who competed in border guard and athletics. The best teams and the fastest runners won a place in the state finals of the Telemach Sports Day, which will be held in mid-July in Split.

''Plasma Youth Sports Games, in addition to promoting sports and sports lifestyles, are aware of the impact and responsibility they have towards their participants, and that is to help them develop into responsible individuals of our society who will promote diversity and inclusion. Telemach Sports Day gives an additional incentive to children to become even better athletes,'' said Tihana Butorac from Plasma Youth Sports Games.


Credit: Carlo Šutalo/Plasma Youth Sports Games

The most skillful teams in the border guard were representatives of regional schools, while the fastest runners were: Laura Radošević, Franko Barović, Dora Vlašić, David Brajko, Maja Matić, Mateo Vučur, Anamarija Rehak, and Luka Vlašić who deservedly won gold medals.

This year's Telemach Sports Day will be held in 25 cities in all Croatian counties. The project is based on the model of sports games, which promote cooperation, tolerance, and socializing, and puts competitions in the background.

"The global problem of insufficient physical activity of children has additionally gained momentum due to the pandemic, so today more than ever before children and young people need to be encouraged to play sports. In addition to the benefits for their physical health, movement and active lifestyle contribute to better mental health and social skills, so we at Telemach are proud to be part of this largest amateur sporting event in Europe for the second year in a row. We take seriously the responsibility towards the community, especially towards children and young people, and in addition to promoting socializing and healthy lifestyles, we want to further sensitize them to key social values ​​such as tolerance and respect for diversity and team spirit,'' said Andrea Salinovic.


Credit: Carlo Šutalo/Plasma Youth Sports Games

Aimed at adopting healthy habits, Plasma Youth Sports Games aim to attract as many children from different parts of Croatia, regardless of whether they play sports actively or recreationally. After the Dubrovnik Parish where the first edition of this year was held, the next Telemach Sports Day will bring together children from the Knin area, on Friday, March 4th.

Source: Plasma Youth Sports Games

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