42nd Festival of Flowers: Gallery of Fine Arts to host "Flower Art" this May!

By 17 April 2017

This year, the traditional Festival of Flowers will take place at a new location under new organization.  

In its 42nd edition this year, one of the most important events in the city of Split, the Festival of Flowers, will leave its previous home in the basement of Diocletian’s palace and re-locate to the Gallery of Fine Arts.

An event that has been recognized for decades not only by the citizens of Split but also by many of the city’s visitors, the Festival of Flowers will this year be held from May 5-7, under the celebration of the patron saint of Split, Saint Domnius.

As with every year, there is a theme, and this year exhibitors will showcase their floral creations under the theme “Flower Art”. 

This year’s event will also host a floristic competition titled “Sunny Flower” on the opening day of the festival.

The festival will be held in the attractive interior atrium of the Gallery of Fine Arts and outside at Đardin park. The event this year will be organized by the Association of Craftsmen in Split.

Here is the festival program:

42. Festival of Flowers “Flower Art" & International competition of florists

Gallery of Fine Arts from May 5-May 7, 2017

May 5, 2017

08.30 Start of the International Competition of Florists (closed to the public)

18:30: Opening ceremony of the Festival of flowers at the Gallery of Fine Arts, winners of the floristic competition with a special program

May 6, 2017

10: 00 - 12:00: Morning devoted to children, animation for children in Đardin park with a special program

10: 00-18.00: Open event for the public at the Gallery of Fine Arts and Đardin

May 7, 2017

10: 00-18.00: Open event for the public at the Gallery of Fine Arts and Đardin

Closing event
