First Musicians Confirmed for Big Celebration on Riva for Day of Saint Domnius!

By 21 April 2017

The concert on the Riva will even have a charitable aspect this year...

Marijan Ban, Jole, Dražen Zečić, Tiho Orlić and the group Viva will perform for the St. Domnius (Sv. Duje) celebration on May 7th this year, reports Dalmatinski Portal on April 20, 2017. 

Mario Tomasovic, head of the Split Association Hvidra, accepted the invitation to organize the celebration this year which will pay tribute to Andrija Bartulić, a Croatian defender of the homeland war who was tragically killed and is honored traditionally with a concert at HNK Split. 

The concert on the Riva will also have a charity aspect and all donations collected will go to the association Naš svijet (Our World).

The evening’s end will certainly be celebrated with fireworks, and the program in its entirety will soon be known to the public.

Here's a look at last year's affair.

Stay tuned!
