Croatia's Greatest Music Stars Come Together for 57th Split Festival this Summer

By 27 April 2017

The Split Festival returns this summer to Prokurative for the 57th edition. 

The program has been announced for the 57th Split Festival which will be held at Prokurative this July, reports on April 26, 2017. This year's three-day event will bring together Croatia’s biggest music stars for a guaranteed good time to ring in year number 57.

The audience will have the opportunity to enjoy the magic of one of our most respected and well-known musicians, Zlatan Stipišić Gibonni (Gibonni), who will open the musical celebration on Thursday, July 6th. This will be Gibonni’s second appearance in Split after the concert promotion for the album "Family". Gibboni will be joined by his backing band composed of top musicians and members of the renowned Split chorus Brodosplit.

The second day of the festival, Friday, July 7th, is dedicated to the "Cesarica" (Empress) award for song of the year. The song of the year is chosen after the public votes what they believed to be the most popular and most successful song released in an election year. This year, there are 40 competitors up for the hit song of the year, and they include famous names such as Massimo, Nina Badrić, Oliver, Magazin, Petar Grašo, Tomislav Bralić & Intrade, Jinx and many others. The founder of the award and the project leader is Unison. You can find out more about Cesarica here

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Split Festival 

The final day of the popular music festival will be held on Saturday, July 8th. This day will present the new festival song of 2017, live! Participants in the program finale for the Split Festival will be announced soon, and the festival director, Tomislav Mrduljaš, is convinced that this year's edition will have a number of quality songs. 

"Several years ago, a number of songs from the festival achieved significant success on the radio and on the national Top 40 list, and some of them were even nominated for the Porin. However, it is also important that they get acclimated with the audience who recognized them as their own, in the best tradition of the Split Festival," said Mrduljaš.

Tickets for the upcoming Split Festival will be available to purchase at 
