Timelapse Video: Sunset from the Bell Tower of Saint Domnius Cathedral

By 13 June 2017

Just further confirmation of how lucky we are to be in Split. 

Production house Jedina.hr from Split have created a time-lapse video of the setting sun taken from the bell tower of the Saint Domnius Cathedral (known to us locals as Sv. Duje). 

According to an interview with Dalmatinski Portal on June 12, 2017, this recording will be used in Branko Medak’s new music video for the song 'Dalmacija uvik fali' (“I always miss Dalmatia”) which he will perform at the Split Festival this year (you can read more about the festival here). 

“A time-lapse is a special recording technique that consists of photographing a large number of photos at a certain time interval. When shooting, you cannot move the camera, as the smallest movement will disturb the entire recording. It is therefore recommended to shoot from a stand or tripod. Now, imagine just how demanding this technique is in the heart of the city center during the season when it is busy with tourists. For a second of such a video, it takes four minutes of shooting without interruption or moving,” the production company said.

Without further ado, check out these stunning scenes!
