Chops Grill Introduces the Best Beef in the World

By 17 June 2017

Get your taste buds ready! Chops Grill introduces the best beef in the world.

Most of you know by now that if you’re craving a juicy, buttery, tender, grade A quality steak, there’s only one place to go - Chops Grill. 

Chops, the belly-filling beef establishment in Split that serves up a succulent selection of steaks, has just introduced the biggest player in the beef game: Rubia Gallega.

Considered by foodies, chefs, butchers, beef enthusiasts, and good ol’ meat lovers to be the best beef in the world, Chops has raised the bar and has many of us in Split wondering…what did we do to deserve something so good?

Rubia Gallega beef, the hottest topic in steak today, is an exclusive Iberico beef raised mainly in Galicia in northwestern Spain. What’s particularly interesting is that this popular beef comes from Rubia Gallega cows that must be over eight years old before they’re slaughtered - and that's pretty old for a cow. The animals, which are raised in vast areas and are fed a diet of grass and corn, are usually left to graze for up to 15 years longer than normal cows raised specifically for steakhouses. 

What makes this beef so particularly unique and world-class is quite a simple concept: the older and fatter the cows get, the better they taste. And as the cows' age? More marbling occurs.

After a Rubia Gallega cow has been slaughtered, the meat is usually matured for around 90 days. You’ll then find the beef purple in color, boasting a fat that ranges from a pearly white to the yellow color of an egg yolk. 

This marbled and mature piece of meat is known to instantly intoxicate anyone fortunate enough to have a taste. And lucky for us in Split, we can enjoy the Chops Rubia Gallega T-Bone or loin with bone-in whenever we please. 

We know that we’ve just taken your taste buds on a richly-marbled rollercoaster ride, so what are you waiting for? We suggest you pay a visit to Chops today.  
