Video: Blast from the Past; Dugi Rat Beach in the 90's

By 18 June 2017

Now, here is a true blast from the past, Dugi Rat TV with reporter – Nikola Lozić, filming on the beach in Dugi Rat in the early 90’s. 

You will be excused for not knowing where Dugi Rat is, but, being that I live here, I feel the need to represent. Normally when I say that I live in “Dugi Rat” to Split locals, the first question is often – why? Or it is followed up with me explaining that it is near Omiš... But, the truth is, I love living here. It is close enough to Split (we won’t talk about summer traffic this time), beside the gorgeous town of Omiš – with her lush Cetina river and we have beautiful beaches here that are filled with more locals than tourists.

And, it seems that this fact has remained the same since the 90's. I was thrilled to stumble upon this video of the Dugi Rat beach from the 90's - fourteen minutes of pure gold.

The headline to the youtube video reads: Reporting from the popular beach from the early 90's with the unique and unmistakable reporter – Nikola Lozić. Enjoy!

Nikola definitely is unmistakable in his role, he cruises the beach, interviewing the majority of women, asking – where they are from, why they are here and what they think about the beach. The overwhelming consensus was that most were from Split, the beach is beautiful and clean, the water is warm and the men are good looking. What more can you ask for?

In watching the video, two things stood out at me; the first is how great it is to see basically all locals enjoying the beach, whereas these days I would say there are fewer locals who can truly enjoy, but are rather catering to mass tourism. The second, is just how gorgeous women of Croatia are (this hasn’t changed)! Seriously, they are all such natural beauties – and the bathing suits! Amazing. Unlike fashion of today, where we all end up looking similar due to fashion trends, these women are all wearing something different and absolutely rocking their chosen style.

Take a look for yourselves, happy viewing!
