Do Good this Holiday Season: Join Split Expats in Christmas Collection for Croatia's Isolated and Alone

By 3 December 2017

Feel like doing some good this holiday season? Here's your chance.

Just last week, we introduced you to Proplan, a wonderful organization determined to help Croatia’s lonely, old, and isolated people. 

The Proplan Foundation, which is supported by Dutch sponsors via its parent foundation in Holland, strives to mend the broken hearts of Croatians who inhabit the country’s most rural areas - offering support to those that suffer from the feeling of heartache and being lonesome. 

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With bags of goods and fruit in tow, Proplan volunteers travel on dirt roads, through thick winter snow, and dense forests to reach Croatia’s forgotten ones, often sitting with them for a drink in their home and encouraging them to tell the stories they haven’t been able to share in what feels like forever.

Otherwise only visited by the postman, some of these individuals must walk 4 kilometers just to find the nearest water well, while others do not have electricity or television. With pensions between 600 and 1100 HRK a month, many of them fear a visit to the doctor as it would be too large a financial burden to bear. 

Without Proplan and its volunteers, these individuals are left with the bare minimum, and with no one to share a conversation. 

The efforts of Proplan touched the hearts of TCN readers across the globe, and even more significantly, it inspired a group of Split expats to come together, determined to lend a helping hand to those loneliest in Croatia's most remote areas. 

Therefore, on Wednesday, December 6, 2017, a Christmas collection for the Proplan Foundation will be held at Paradox Wine & Cheese Bar in Split to bring joy to the Croatians who need it most. Those interested in helping are asked to bring any food with a long shelf-life - and most importantly pasta, rice, dried fruits or fruit snacks, instant meals, flour, sugar, biscuits, sunflower oil, juices, chocolate, tea, coffee, and dog food.

Because there is no rubbish collection in most of these remote areas, only packaging that can be burned will be accepted - meaning that glass and canned goods are a no-go. 

The collection will take place from 17:00 to 18:00 at Paradox this Wednesday and everyone is welcome to drop-off what they’d like specified on this list. Proplan volunteers Daniel & Alexandra Fiorivanti from Knin will pick up the items promptly at 18:00. 

If you're looking for a way to spread the Christmas cheer this year, there is no better way than to help those who need it most. If you have any questions, you can find the link to the Facebook event for the Christmas collection. 

If you are not located in Split and would still like to help, you can visit the Proplan website for other donation options. 

Feel free to share this beautiful story. 

