Friday, 27 November 2020

Beard Auction at Paradox Wine and Cheese Bar in Split Today!

November 27, 2020 - The famous Beard Auction returns to Paradox Wine and Cheese Bar today to raise money for the Split County League Against Cancer.

Because the epidemiological measures have tightened, the Beard Auction will be held on Friday, November 27, instead of Sunday, from 12:30 at Paradox Wine & Cheese Bar, Bana J. Jelačića 3, Split.

This is an unusual humanitarian action that is part of the globally popular Movember and aims to raise awareness about various forms of malignant diseases in men and the importance of regular checkups. The funds raised are intended for the Split County League Against Cancer.

The action is designed in such a way that men are urged to stop shaving in November and determine the "price" of their beard at which they are ready to shave. If the required amount is collected, the person shaves.

For the fourth year in a row, the action is organized by the Split County League Against Cancer with partners: Ka'brada, Paradox, and Rotary Club Split Plus.

This year, Josip Božić stands out among the candidates, who will donate the longest beard ever shaved at the Beard Auction. Singer Marko Pecotić Peco responded to the action again, after 18 years the city councilor Branimir Urlić will shave his beard on Friday, and after a long time, we will have the opportunity to see the entrepreneur Ognjen Bagatin without a mustache. According to the information we have so far, it is likely that Goran Milaković collected a record donation so far for one beard.

Cafe Krom also joined the auction and nominated the beard of Ivan Ćurić - Giovanni, and among this year's candidates are also Leon Listeš, Frane Karlo Pavlović, Luka Baričić, Zvonimir Čondić, Tomislav Tabak, Matej Emanuel Krakan, and Emil Music.

To date, HRK 30,082.80 has been donated to the County League Against Cancer for valuable beards and mustaches, and we will find out the final amount by the end of the day Friday.  

Will you be there?

More info can be found on the Facebook event.

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