World Cup Fan Zone Announced for Đardin this Summer, with a Touch of Russian Culture

The 2018 World Cup in Russia will take place from June 14 to July 15, 2018. 

We are delighted to announce that a Fan Zone will be organized in Split during the highly anticipated World Cup in Russia. Coordinated by Damir Karaman, all World Cup games will be screened at Strossmayer Park, or more popularly known as Đardin, from June 14 to July 15, 2018, reports Dalmatinski Portal on May 12, 2018. 

In the context of the event, Karaman visited the Ambassador of the Russian Federation, Mr. Anwar Azimov, and presented the Fan Zone project. The ambassador accepted that the country and partner in this project is the Russian Federation and is personally an honorary patron. The organizers have promised to present Russian culture, gastronomy, tourism and economics within the event.

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Dalmatinski Portal 

At the end of the session, Karaman handed Azimov gifts from the Tourist Board of Split, and a personalized Hajduk jersey with his name inscribed on the back. The Ambassador promised to visit Split and the Fan Zone this summer. 
