The Croatian Diaspora

'Departure - Stay - Return': 3rd Croatian Diaspora Conference in Osijek

May 3, 2018 - A press release for the upcoming 3rd Croatian Diaspora Conference in Osijek.




Osijek, June 29th – July 1st 2018.

The 3rd Croatian Diaspora Congress will gather scientists and researchers dealing with issues of Croatian emigration, as well as the most successful business people from Croatia and abroad where they will exchange their personal experience in the realization of projects and other entrepreneurial activities. To potential investors and returnees, they will present the golden potential of investing in projects in Croatia.

The long-standing economic and political crisis has left a trace in all segments of our society, and, in recent years, we have witnessed mass emigration of work capable, mostly educated people, often of entire families from Croatia to EU countries, but also across the ocean.

This year's Croatian Diaspora Congress is devoted to discussing the reasons for the emigration and the unattractive nature of the return; when and why did the emigrants leave their homeland, what is their experience in new environments, if and under what conditions would they return to their homeland. The congress will also focus on members of the second and third generation of descendants of Croatian emigrants, as well as the possibility of their immigration / return to the home of their grandparents.

Previous editions of Croatian Diaspora Congress have resulted in extensive collections, numerous press releases and concrete projects. Based on these results, the third Croatian Diaspora Congress is being prepared in Osijek this year.

In order to improve the quality of Croatian politics towards Croatian emigrants, this complex issue will be subjected to systematic research and expert analysis through a variety of topics, such as immigrants as economic drivers, emigrants and domestic population, digital surrounding and IT industry development.

The organizing committee invites the scientists and experts dealing with the topic of Croatian emigration and the entrepreneurs who are eager to share their experience to apply as speakers at the Third Croatian Diaspora Congress in Osijek. More information can be found at: http: //www.cro-diasporacongress .com / or by mail to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
