The Croatian Diaspora

MPs Warn about Status of Croats in Bosnia and Serbia

By 9 May 2018

ZAGREB, May 9, 2018 - Some Croatian MPs warned on Wednesday about the difficult position of Croats outside Croatia, notably in Bosnia and Serbia, pushing for the improvement of their material and political rights.

"The election law in Bosnia and Herzegovina must be such that Croats elect their representatives in the country," Ivan Šuker of the ruling HDZ said, adding that only an increase in budget outlays could help Croats abroad.

Željko Glasnović pushed for postal voting for Croats outside Croatia, but Ante Babić of the HDZ said the constitution stipulated that postal and electronic voting was possible only in diplomatic and consular offices. Croats abroad are a huge untapped potential, he added.

Miro Bulj of the MOST party said Croatia had not fought for its people in Bosnia and that the issue of Croat minority rights had not been solved in Serbia either. "Croats should be represented in the Serbian National Assembly," he said.

Silvano Hrelja of the Pensioners Party said "Croatia is helping its emigrants more than it can afford."
