The Croatian Diaspora

Croat Minority in Serbia Welcomes Country’s Progress

By 1 December 2018

ZAGREB, December 1, 2018 - The Democratic Alliance of Croats in Vojvodina (DSHV), which represents the Croat minority in Serbia, welcomed on Saturday the European Parliament's good remarks for progress Serbia made in economic reforms, but at the same time it regretted that Serbia had not yet launched the processes of facing the past, which was also noted in the EP resolution adopted on Thursday.

MEPs on Thursday in Brussels adopted a resolution which acknowledges Serbia's progress in economic reforms but which also notes that it was critical to make tangible results in judicial reform, corruption suppression and freedom of the media.

“The DSHV believes it is exceptionally important that this year the European lawmakers attached more attention to key areas of human rights and freedoms,“ DSHV president Tomislav Žigmanov said in a press release.

He said that facing the past in Serbia was still causing controversies.

He also recalled that exercising ethnic minority rights and promoting their social status was one o the key prerequisites for European Union membership.

For more on the status of Croats in Serbia, click here.
