The Croatian Diaspora

President Meets with Croatian Diaspora in Berlin

By 20 February 2019

ZAGREB, February 20, 2019 - Croatian President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović concluded her two-day visit to Germany on Tuesday by meeting with representatives of the Croatian diaspora in the country, noting an important role of Croatian citizens in the German economic success.

"I take immense pride in what you do in Germany and in your contribution to Germany being among the strongest countries in world," Grabar-Kitarović said at the meeting in the Croatian Embassy in Berlin.

She said that meetings with Croatian emigrants were important to her because for the most part of her career she had dealt with the issue of Croatian emigrant communities.

"I understand your problems and will do all I can to have the obstacles to your return to Croatia removed," the president said, expressing hope that Croatian citizens would return to their homeland in large numbers.

Grabar-Kitarović said that her two-day visit was successful. On Monday evening she addressed an annual reception given by the German Association of Small and Medium-Sized Businesses, and on Tuesday morning she opened a German-Croatian business forum. Later in the day she met with the parliamentary group Northern Adriatic and Bundestag President Wolfgang Schauble.

More news on the diaspora can be found in the dedicated section.
