Total Eco Croatia

Croatian Courts to See First Environmental Case

The battle for clean air in Slavonski Brod sparks an online petition.

Slavonski Brod continues its battle for clean air, with local media reporting 3 children from the same school suffering from carcinomas, has residents furious but helpless. Sparking an online petition, here

Preparations are in the works to sue Janaf, Croatian supplier, if they do not stop supplying the refinery in Bosanski Brod with fuel. Janaf claims due to its contract it is unable to comply, however, it has been made clear that their contracts which were once renewed yearly, no longer are, therefore Janaf would not pay any penalties by exiting their contract, although obviously, a loss in profit. 

Kolinda Grabar Kitarovic during her last visit to Slavonski Brod tried to resolve the issue by meeting with the Russian foreign minister, to try to influence the refinery to begin using gas, her efforts have been futile. This is the long term plan, however there is no time line for this in the foreseeable future. The adaption would include 5kms of pipeline, from Croatia, here arising another problem as Milorad Dodik, president of Repubilka Srpska, has stated he has no interest in Croatian gas, he wants a Serbian pipeline, which would mean over 300kms of pipeline coming in at a cost of hundreds of thousands of euros, which obviously would not happen in the foreseeable future. 

This will be the first environmental case Croatian courts have seen. The Zelena Lista, are preparing to take the case to court and are expecting other organisations and parties to give their support, Janaf have been given until the end of March to stop supplying the refinery with fuel.

Sign the petition. 
