Total Eco Croatia

Croatian Scientist Launches Crowdfunding Campaign to Preserve Croatia's Rivers

By 24 April 2017

Goran Šafarek, a Croatian scientist, photographer, and filmmaker has launched a crowdfunding campaign for another extremely worthwhile project that aims to protect and promote Croatian rivers. 

Šafarek has promoted Croatian rivers around the world for years, and in Croatia, he has loudly and clearly committed to their protection against human destruction. 

Having worked on preserving Croatian rivers for more than 10 years, Šafarek is a biologist by profession who turned to the media as a powerful tool for the promotion of Croatian rivers. He felt that through this promotion he could also raise awareness about the threats Croatian rivers face. 

Šafarek wrote a monograph titled “Croatian Rivers” and has written dozens of articles in prestigious magazines such as the National Geographic and GEO. He is also the author of several short documentary films and books titled 'Drava-Koprivnica Podravina’, and he even made a film about the Drava River as one of the best-preserved lowland rivers of Europe. 

Now it's time for a new and even bigger project - a documentary about the rivers of Croatia. The ultimate aim of the documentary will be to promote the rivers as the lifelines of our planet. 

Although Croatian rivers are for the most part preserved, they are under constant threats of regulation and destruction. By helping to fund this project, Šafarek hopes that our citizens who live along our rivers can live in harmonious coexistence with them. Šafarek also hopes to tell the story that is rarely heard - the point of view of the rivers.

"It is a story about their secrets, hidden beauty, mysterious processes, but also the problems and threats they face daily, and a recipe for a harmonious coexistence with people,” states Šafarek's crowdfunding campaign.

"What we learned is that we can not live without our rivers, our oasis of life. But more importantly, rivers were here long before human beings, and in this short period of time we have shared with the earth, the rivers have almost been completely destroyed. And now it's time to take responsibility to protect those little pieces of preserved rivers that are still surviving and preserve them for the future when we are no more, but that line of life will continue to flow, in perpetuity,” says Šafarek for Croexpress on April 20, 2017.

trailer "Rivers of Croatia" from goran safarek on Vimeo.

Part of the documentary has already been filmed, but there is still plenty left to do. Since the area covers the whole of Croatia it is financially and logistically very demanding.

Šafarek’s goal is to raise $15,000 which will cover part of the costs still necessary for filming and transportation to locations around the country. The film, in addition to promoting the beauty of Croatia, will also explain various processes such as the complexity of the water system.

You can find out more information and support the crowdfunding campaign here
