Total Eco Croatia

Week of Croatian Parks Begins Today!

The Week of Croatian Parks begins today, May 20th, and will last through May 28, 2017.

Croatian national parks and nature parks will mark the Day of Nature Protection in Croatia, International Day of Biodiversity, European Day of Parks and Natura 2000 Day with over 50 different activities, reports HRTurizam on May 19, 2017.

When it comes to nature preservation, Croatia is one of the richest countries - and the 8 national parks and 11 nature parks, united under the brand of Croatian Parks, are the most recognizable protected areas. In order to raise citizens' awareness of the importance of preserving nature and biodiversity, sustainable tourism, and the effective management of parks, the second Week of Croatian Parks will be celebrated from May 20 to 28, 2017.

In this period, all 19 parks will be marked with more than 50 educational and recreational events for different target groups, such as Natura 2000 Day, Day of Nature Protection in Croatia, International Day of Biodiversity, and European Day of Parks. 

"About 80% of citizens recognize the preservation of nature as the highest Croatian value, and that the main role of the protected areas is for education and research and the economic development of local areas. The incentive to launch the Week of Parks in Croatia where our parks open their doors primarily to the local population was to familiarize our local community through many activities and educate them about the importance of nature conservation and the preservation of biodiversity. We hope that as many people as possible will respond to the invitation of the parks and spend at least one day this week in nature,” said Valentina Futač, Project Manager of PARCS.

Lectures and workshops for children, exhibitions, guided tours, volunteer programs including environmental and underwater cleanups, presentations of local producers of autochthonous products, and competitive races are just part of the offer the parks are organizing to show visitors the riches of Croatia.

More information is available at, and
