Total Eco Croatia

Youth Set an Example in Split 3 Clean-Up

By 3 July 2017

Klub Mladih Split, along with a few local partners, organised a Ruđerijada – a public street party on Ruđera Boškovića for those living and working in Split 3. A whiteboard allowed locals the chance to write what they would change about Split 3 and it was the youth who took the lead.

The Ruđerijada included live bands, local handicraft on show, drinks and snacks, but more importantly, a whiteboard to give local residents the chance to write what they would change about Split 3.

The young population dominated in making suggestions, and apart from asking for cheaper shops, an airport and public wifi, they also asked for a cleaner neighbourhood.

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Suggestion Board, giving locals a voice.

With the demands made, Klub Mladih Split once again partnered with Caffe Bar Dreamers, Koturaljkaški klub Rošule Split, Moj Split 3 and Udruga Sindrom Down 21 Split to run a clean-up day.

They spoke to a number of organisations for donations, from which Samoborka donated paint, suitably named 'Hajduk White’, Čistoća donated street cleaning equipment, Koturaljkaški klub Rošule sent energetic volunteers, Dreamers provided the refreshments and Ante Jukić from Moj Split 3 provided paint rollers. 

With their gloves on, buckets filled, garbage bags or rollers in hand, the group were ready.

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The 'Clean Team' ready to start.

There was a lot to be done, so one group head to the primary school in Split 3 to pick up the rubbish that fills the school grounds. After an hour in the sun, they had collected three large bags with the majority of the rubbish being plastic bags or sweet and crisp wrappers. The students of the ‘eco’ school obviously need a bit more education in putting things in the bin!

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Paper Planes, Candy Wrappers and Croatian Grammar Sheets...

Meanwhile the other group started painting to cover up the graffiti that can be seen all over Split. ‘Hajduk White’ definitely did the job and a number of fascist symbols or language were covered up, as well as providing a fresher look to the buildings.

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Bright, Fresh and Clean, Unlike the Volunteers...

Everyone worked hard and took pride in what they were doing, despite the lack of many local residents coming to help out. The group worked away for four hours and showed what can be done when individuals get together and take action. There is already interest from other neighbourhoods to run something similar, but for real sustainable change, we must all reduce, reuse, recycle and compost. The school even has its own compost bin, so perhaps it will be become a part of a bigger solution and open it to use by locals - now this would be a positive step forward!

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Klub Mladih Split are always organising incredible events to make a positive impact on the community, if you have any ideas or would like to be a part of future events, why not visit their Facebook Page (here) and drop them a line or show some support.

